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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. I must not have been clear in my post.I have SI on my trolling motor as well. I did NOT say it won’t work up there. The OP will have 1 SI transducer. If you had a choice of 1 SI transducer would you put it on the TM or transom? I would undoubtedly pick the transom first.
  2. I would strongly suggest mounting a side imaging transducer on the transom. The best use of side imaging if done scanning around when at idle speed or higher 3-8 mph. More water is covered and the images are much better than if you were to try to do the same function with the transducer mounted to the TM. The Hook series are at a good price point for what they do, but they lack the capability to network so you can see waypoints on any other graphs on the boat.
  3. $5k ??? What is everything? Is that including installation? If so that’s still too much. I know where you can get 8’ PowerPole blades for $3500 shipped and the lower tier version of the poles for less, obviously. I am sure you can find Talons for much cheaper too. There are advantages and disadvantages of each. I went with powerpoles on my boat and would not change a thing. I love them. They both have about the same number of things that can go wrong.
  4. You can, BUT you wouldn’t gain anything. The unit on sale already has an upgraded transducer with the HW 2D sonar.
  5. Welcome to BassResource! Fellow Omaha angler myself. Lets get in touch once the ice is gone.
  6. Have caught fish on squarebills in 38 degree water.
  7. I’ve never kept a log, I usually just throw it back if I end up hoisting it in the boat.
  8. Stay away from my quarterback!!! Haha
  9. The dobyns 795 will do the job well with those baits. Big swimbaits are mostly hype. Prepare for a much lighter wallet. Snakeheads might like those big swimbaits which could be fun.
  10. This should probably be the start of the “Road to 2021 Super Bowl” thread. I would think his endorsements have the potential to be worth a lot more than a contract. Although at the level he is worth that may be getting close to not true. Endorsements are going pay a whole lot more with rings added to his fingers. If he takes a huge contract that will leave less room to add/maintain support players. Of course it’s could be a little bit of a “one in the hand, two in the bush” argument. Especially in a profession that can end early with injury. When asked about it he said “that’s for other people to decide.” Not exactly sure what that means, but it seems kind of scary because other people are less likely to have his best interest first and are likely looking to cut a deal to get themselves a slice now. Money can buy a lot of things, but it cannot buy Super Bowl championships and Mahomes seems to be more interested in championships at this point. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
  11. You can get the pro qualifier for around $50 when they are on sale which should be soon on the Spring Sale. The thumb switch also serves as a “flipping switch” if I remember correctly on the Pro Qualifier reels.
  12. History!!! WORLD CHAMPS!
  13. I’m pretty sure fishingcarepackage business model is to only fill 10-20% of their orders and just keep the money from the rest. Do a BBB search of them. Pretty sure the owner has already had a couple of other businesses shut down.
  14. Depends on the size of the body of water and where I am fishing. A 20 mph wind on a big open lake can be havoc while the same wind on a smaller tortuous lake can be just another variable in the day. Not a hard cutoff.
  15. March 13-29
  16. Great! One less person in line.
  17. Most people don’t. Without having any family or close friends prior to medical school I know I didn’t. What changes after 100 days? Well not a lot really. 95%+ will do a residency of three years or more. In fact, to function independently one has to at least have completed a 1 year internship following medical school. Additionally, the medical licensing exam is a 3 step test in which the first two steps are taken during medical school and the last part is usually taken during the 1-year internship phase. As for me, I have fulfilled all of the requirements for my degree and taken the first 2 steps of the licensing exam. I’m essentially cruising until July 1st when I *plan* to begin a 5-year residency in Otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat/head and neck surgery), after which I plan to do a 1-2 year fellowship to specialize in Rhinology and get a bench science laboratory up and running. So, my formal training is far from over. *The reason I say plan is because is because residency positions are decided in somewhat of a lottery called “The Match.” So there is a level of uncertainty about where and if specifically one might do residency. Essentially medical students pick a specialty or two and interview at several programs. The applicants will rank the programs and the programs the applicants in order of preference and then the Match decides how to divvy up all of the applicants so the most amount of positions are filled with the highest ranking. Match day this year is March 20th and is when I will find out for sure where I will be going to residency. For my specialty this year there are about 500 applicants and only ~300 positions so not everyone that applied will get a spot in the specialty of residency that they desire. So, there is still some lingering angst until March 20th.
  18. ... until I graduate med school hard to believe I started this program (MD/PhD) 8 years ago... but who’s counting?
  19. Yeah Mr. Googan Andrew Flair himself gave me two at a Scheel’s meet and greet in Omaha. Have you ever owned anything else at the same price point?
  20. Just about any rod brand will be a better value than Favorite. St. Croix is one of the most reputable rod brands you can buy. Dobyns rods are good and highly regarded on this forum. Nothing wrong with Lews either.
  21. If you drain everything you shouldn’t have an issue. Just make sure to trim the motor all the way up and down a few times leaving it in max position for a few minutes on each up or down. Also, you can pull the plug on the lower unit to check for water (frank water or a milky color is bad, it should just look like gear oil, amber or really dark). Just make sure to be quick about it so it doesn’t all drain out. If you are really worried then you can splash some RV antifreeze in the live wells. Id be more concerned about pulling a trailer if there is ice.
  22. Ultrex is good for deep powerpoles are good for shallow. Some overlap but not much. If I had to choose one I’d pick the Ultrex, but that’s probably due to my style of fishing. I don’t do a lot of stationary fishing when shallow.
  23. Let us know when you have the Spring Classic details :))
  24. Without being able to network you almost need the second map card. If you could network the waypoints, I would say you can just use your waypoints to judge where you are. Also, consider that humminbird units come with at least 2 preloaded maps for MOST lakes and 3 for some. These aren't in near the detail of the map card, but are a good place to start. In fact, some of the base maps cover lakes that map cards do not.
  25. What is the exact model of the other unit? Helix 7 Chirp Mega G3? If so, you will not be able to network the units. You cannot share maps between units. Between “N” units, G2N and G3N, you can however share waypoints and transducer data.
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