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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. The extreme response is likely primarily based on several factors. 1) Uncertainty - the current burden and natural course of this virus is unknown. China is a densely populated country and there is good reason to believe (economic being one of them) that China has underestimated and/or downplayed the burden of the disease. Also, we only have information about months at max of what will happen with the virus. 2) Another burden even equal to the size of the flu is a huge burden. The flu places a huge morbidity, mortality and economic burden on the world. The possibility of that burden being duplicated is absolutely demanding of a sense of urgency and drastic measures to stop that. The potential economic ramifications of duplicating the flu burden are far more than whatever short term ramifications may come from the current “panic.” 3) The incubation period of the virus is long and silent. A person can carry and be contagious with the virus for up to two weeks before showing symptoms. This means the virus can spread extremely rapidly without detection. Hopefully, spread and burden of this virus will be stopped and it will be just another (less severe) SARS or MERS of the past. For now though, given what little we know of it, high alert and drastic measures to prevent the spread are extremely important. For now it is a prepare for the worst, hope for the best situation. I agree people SHOULD be concerned about the flu and agree that the media has well taken advantage to hype the coronavirus for views. However, as stated above even duplicating the flu would have severe ramifications and extreme measures should be taken to prevent that. Based on what has happened in China, this is not a virus we want to spread unchecked.
  2. Cabela's Mean Eye Jerkbaits
  3. The primary difference is the "+" function. The "+" function allows for 2 specific things: 1) To makes full use of the SI+/DI+ transducers, which produce "20% better image quality." and 2), IMO more importantly, compatibility with MEGA 360. The Gen 1 units are NOT compatible with Mega 360. All of the "Link" and network features can be performed by ALL generation Solix units as of now.
  4. There are a couple of hard baits that I buy in mass quantity. I order these directly from the manufacturer and only ~5 at a time, where as the rest sit in the box they were shipped in until its time to restock. As far as all others baits are concerned, they get opened, fondled and usually tied onto a rod, hung on the "on deck" rack under my boat lid or placed neatly into their respective tackle tray.
  5. Lots of people use the Duracell for their cranking battery and their trolling battery. I do and it works fantastic for both. That being said, some of the bigger motors require a few more cranking amps than the Duracell supplies due to its dual purpose nature. My 125 HP Mercury, however, doesn’t hesitate at all using the Duracell as a cranking battery. I also run 3 big graphs, powerpoles, a Humminbird 360, an Ethernet switch and a Hydrowave off of the same battery and have fished for >12 hours at a time on several occasions and never had an issue starting the motor. That’s only after 1 season though, but I don’t expect much to change for at least 2 or more seasons.
  6. There is also misinformation in the current ad, it may be a draft though. On the ad for the G3 Helix 7 is says that it is Mega 360 compatible and that is not true.
  7. A small Phillips screwdriver is what I use. Doesn’t even have to be precision small.
  8. I think like $18 bucks using a tube I already had. There are some tricks to not pay a fortune to ship a rod. <96” tube and print the label yourself are the main things.
  9. The epoxy started cracking on one of my Tatula Elite rods and they sent me a brand new rod, no questions asked after I sent in the repair/warranty form.
  10. Something caused (accidental) by manipulation of the fish by the researcher seems equally logical.
  11. Woo buddy! Better jump on that one quick!
  12. Lots of reasons to make up that one time of day is better than the other. Truth is, it likely varies day to day and from body of water. I like fishing mornings. Bass have a unique advantage of great vision in the low light compared to other fishes so I have convinced myself morning is a great time to catch them. I also like to think it’s easier to find them in the mornings, because I like to believe they accumulate on the warmest part of the lake before the sun starts to warm up other things. Rocks and cement hold heat about the best so I figure the bass all group up there until the sun gets bright and warm. Fishing rip rap and rock piles has worked out pretty well for me on cool spring mornings.
  13. Growing up fishing the rivers in Northwest Arkansas and Southwest Missouri there were several instances where a snake would jump out of a tree into our canoe. Talk about a rush.
  14. Look for a late 90’s Ranger R series. They are quality boats and will fall in your price range.
  15. I first read this as hand sanded and painted by a five-year-old.
  16. Very interested!
  17. You mean Vienna sausages? Haha
  18. I ordered a couple of the colors that are not back ordered. Will take some pictures and report here when I get them. I don’t have any Uncle Josh to compare, however.
  19. Harbor freight also frequently has a flier to get one of these free with a purchase of something else.
  20. For the pork lovers. Looks like pork trailers are back in production. Here is his website: https://nwatackle.com/shop?olsPage=products A guy out of northwest Arkansas has started selling pork frogs made from real pork. Not sure how these will compare to Uncle Josh, but it seems to be the only source for “new” real pork trailers. I haven’t tried them yet, but I ordered a few. I hope they are as good as Uncle Josh and I hope this guy does well (mostly for the sake of keeping pork trailers in production). I have no affiliation with this company and have no testimony of the effectiveness of the baits. Just trying to pass along some info because I know a lot of guys like pork and it seems hard to find.
  21. Good HEAVY battery + a high quality charger and always keeping charged = maximum performance.
  22. No structure support needed. It’s firm up there with plenty of support already. Just make sure to seal the cut edges with fiberglass resin to prevent water intrusion into the wood between the fiberglass.
  23. If you have problems with them falling off, find some 1-1.5” foam window trim stripping and adhere it on the back side of the holes so the hooks enter it when the go through. Problem solved
  24. Another much more affordable option are the Duracell 31 AGM from Sams Club. They are a rebranded battery Deka (very reputable battery company) battery and the specs are better than the Optimas. These Duracell AGM batteries are very popular and have a fantastic reputation, a reputation arguably better than Optimas since the Optimas started being made in Mexico. They can be had for $149-$179 depending on if they are on sale. From Sams club they have an 18 month warranty. They can also be found at Batteries Plus, for a higher price, but a 3 year warranty. I did a lot of research when I was looking for new batteries for my boat last year and these were by far the best bang for the buck. Good luck with your power options.
  25. Installed the MEGA 360! Now to get the cover refitted to fit over it. The next thing I want to do is remove the “Tracker” stickers from the motor and replace with some silver “Mercury” ones.
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