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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. The last upgrade for a while. I added a TuffSkinz motor cover. My vision for this thing has been realized!
  2. $5500 for a 94 Ranger R72 with a 90 HP Mercury is a high average price. For reference, I bought a '96 R70 with a 2002 Mercury 125 hp and ultrex for $5500 from a very reputable dealer last year. The boat was in excellent condition with a small blemish on the keel. The R72 boats can only fit 6'6" rods in the lock (the R70 single console can fit up to 7'3" comfortably). The R series are great hulls and very affordable (and were designed to be affordable). Lots of them on the water.
  3. Forget it (referring to what I was going to post). There are just too many uncertainties.
  4. The mortality rates of threads infected with coronavirus on this website is very high. I just pray that this thing, whatever it is, and it's impact both whatever the media causes and whatever it physically causes is short-lived.
  5. Sounds like you are building a 1 acre aquarium.
  6. Thanks for the detailed reply! I suspected something similar to this. Very busy with up to weeks at a time without a day “off” or at home. In high school I wrote an report on NASCAR and one component of it was the “day-to-day” lives of the drivers. Back then I was surprised to find out just how busy they were (PR, prep, travel etc). I suspected something similar in the fishing world, which you have confirmed. Thanks for the info. If a follow up questions is ok, what kind of professional demands do you have in the “off-season” is a less busy time of year? What would a similar stretch of time look like?
  7. Flex Seal may solve it temporarily. A better solution might be some stainless rivets and a healthy bead of caulking.
  8. Siebert Dredge Dock Rocker
  9. I messaged him on Facebook on the 28th and he told me two weeks.
  10. What's your day-to-day work/home life like (other than tournament/practice days)? How do you structure your time as a pro angler? I don't imagine everyday is the same, so give can you give us a few examples of your time commitments as they demand you?
  11. Duracell 31 AGM at Sam's Club. They might still be on sale for $159 (usually $179) and are absolutely the best bang for the buck even at full price.
  12. How "new" is the unit? In the last year Humminbird has released an upgraded HW (High-wide) with a "Low-Q transducer. The technicalities of how the hardware and function compares to other brands, I do not know. However, this is the 2D sonar technology that Humminbird claims produces the best returns. I have it on 2 of my units and I think it is fantastic.
  13. For people who need a battery Sams is having a sale on Duracell AGM 31s for 159.99. 20 dollars off each
  14. Challenge accepted! Hahaha
  15. Took a detour home today and HOT DIGGITY we’ve got open water!
  16. Na, there’s rumor of a Live 360 from Humminbird coming soon. well unless my wife gets the job at Garmin for which she is interviewing... that may change things.
  17. I believe 50ft is max depth and 200 ft Range. The Facebook video shows it pretty nicely. https://www.facebook.com/GarminMarine/videos/879210002510017/?vh=e
  18. I love Humminbird 360 and just got the Mega, but Garmin has beat Humminbird to the “Live 360.” I think this is a technology that’s truly worth the phrase “game changer”. This is just cool! Scanning the bottom in front (or whatever direction) of the boat in real time with apparently high quality returns.
  19. Pretty sure this designation means it must be worn at all times to “count” as a PFD in the boat. In other words, if you are not wearing it and don’t have another appropriately approved PFD in the boat, you are out of compliance.
  20. You mean this guy? ... never heard of him. Might your name be ... Mike???
  21. Love Omaha. Finishing up an MD/PhD here soon. KC has better options for the next step in my training and puts me a little closer to family. I’ll keep an eye on the Overland Park area.
  22. Thanks for the info. Can’t really expand my search to beyond, 25 minutes. I am already pushing it at 25 minutes. I will be starting residency at KUMC and will have to be close for days I am on call which will be every 3rd day. The max of our budget will be less than $300k. $250k sounds much more comfortable. Much prefer suburban to urban. A 3-4 bedroom/ 2+ bathroom house with a 3 car garage would be ideal, but probably unrealistic or unlikely, given the parameters. It looks like the Gardner area would be a bit out of range.
  23. I will be here in Omaha until at least May. Plenty of time between ice-out and the time I move to share what I know... Ice-out is so close!
  24. Sounds like a place that fits my parameters...
  25. I will be moving to Kansas City in the late Spring and am wanting to start getting a sense of the housing market. If you could pick an area/surrounding city to live, where would you start looking? My only necessary restriction is that I have to be less than 25 minutes away from the KUMC hospital under ideal traffic conditions (early mornings/late at night). Obviously, I would like to be as close to a productive body of water as possible, somewhere I could drop the boat in a < 10 minute drive from where I would live. Currently, I have been looking at the area near Wyandotte County Lake and the area ~halfway between Longview Lake or Jacomo. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions to areas they would live? Thanks.
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