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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. No HOA in the neighborhood of this house. I’ve been pretty spoiled up in Omaha being 15 minutes from 5 different productive bodies of water and 5 minutes from a big bass lake. That dream I was living is going to die hard.
  2. Awesome info! Wish me luck. Offer is in
  3. Well we made an offer on this place today based on a virtual tour. Man I hope I’m not messing up. I don’t like not seeing it in person but everything else we’ve like has been sold before we get a chance to see it. Anyone have any insight to that area/neighborhood? https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5725-Wyoming-Ave-N-Kansas-City-MO-64118/71154903_zpid/
  4. The wind was predicted to be 25 mph constant with who knows how hard gusts where we had originally planned to fish. We made an audible the night before and I am glad we did. We showed up to the ramp about 9:15 and there were already several other small tin boats and kayaks on the water. As I was walking from the truck to go hop in the boat with my fishing partner for the day, I watched a guy land a really nice bass from a jetty. A good sign. We launch and get about 100 yards from the ramp to our spot. I toss out a black and gold dark sleeper and a 2.5 lber grabs it on the way from the bottom up to the boat. We move the boat out a bit to fish some offshore cover and the party begins. Fishing partner sets the hook into a 4.71 on his first cast with a Keitech style swimbait into the cover. I switch from the Dark Sleeper to a jig and feel the tick. ITS BIG! A 6.72 lber!! Fat and healthy and my new PB for this state. A few casts later - dead weight a 6.42 lber! I'm ecstatic, we're up to nearly 18 lbs with 3 fish! I see my partners rod bend over ... another big one coming toward the boat - 5.72 lbs! - Already at 23 lbs with just 4 fish! We fish the area a bit more with jigs and catch maybe 1 or 2 ~3-4 lbers. The wind had really picked up and its early Spring, which means jerkbaits. I toss the Cabela's Mean Eye "Walleye" series jerkbait up toward the bank... *Jerk* *jerk*... STOP... for a brief moment I thought I was hung... then the rod tip sinks a deep bend. Its a fish. I played it for what felt like 20 minutes and see it open its mouth on the way to the boat. I get nervous because the wide open mouth is the biggest I have ever seen from that perspective. I see the net go into the water and scoop her up. 6.83 lbs - Broke my PB for the state again! And broke my PB for a jerkbait. And now we are sitting at 30 lbs 6 ounces for our 5 heaviest fish. My new personal record for a bag - 30+ plus being a number I'd never imagined in public water in this state. I toss the Mean Eye back out and what was probably 10-15 casts later - it gets whacked - no questioning, not even for a second what was going on here. This one is a fighter! She gets netted and in the boat she goes. 4.38 lbs. What kind of day have we had where this fish doesn't even make the cut! Things slow down for a bit. About an hour goes by and I make a wish of a cast away from where we know there is cover toward a different area. I thought I saw something over there earlier when we were scanning on side imaging. I'm dragging the jig on the bottom when I find the first indication of the cover. That's all it took. My line jumps and a swing hard. This fish starts running toward me and I can't catch up. I'm not 100% sure its still on until it makes a cut and the rod goes parabolic. Another heavy one! 6.17 lbs!!! HOLY COW we have 4 fish that are over 6 lbs and the best 5 are 31.86 lbs (~31 lbs 14 oz). My partner hasn't caught a 6 lber at this point. He has his jig out and I see him swing hard, but only line comes back. He says "that was 100% a bite." I give him a hard time and say he was just snagged on a rock and he's hallucinating because he wants a 6 lber so bad. He insists it was a bite. Jokingly I tell him, "ok if it was a bite, I'll catch it since I seem to be catching all of the fish and if it has your jig in its mouth then I'll believe you." He says "If you catch a fish with my jig in its mouth, I'll give you a dollar." Well guess what? He owes me a dollar. On the second cast after telling him I'd catch it, I feel the tick and set the hook. All before he could get a new jig tied on. I fight it back to the boat, my partner nets it and there it is! An extra jig in the back of the fishes throat! Unbelievable. We are both in shock. The ambition sets in and its clear both of us want one more over 6 lbs. We didn't get another bite the rest of the day. It was the best day fishing I have ever had in my life. 31.86 lbs is going to stick with me for a long time. On tap of that, I have wanted to fish with this partner for a few years since he is my neighbor and has helped me a ton in getting my boat rigged at no cost to me. What a day! *I’ll add some pictures later as BR image size cap is giving me fits*
  5. Thanks for the lengthy and detailed reply. Excellent.
  6. I have confidence to try and repair about anything and in the past have had a lot of luck with it. My most valuable resource is my time, and sometimes, with increasing frequency, I find that I don’t want to be spending my time fixing stuff. That being said, I don’t just throw stuff away either. If I think it’s fixable, I’ll sideline it and get something new to get the job done. If it sits on the sideline for very long it goes as a donation to someone who could make use of it and wants to put the time in it.
  7. If you call in to order from bass pro they will usually offer you their branded reel covers for 50% off.
  8. Anyone heard from this guy? I’ve got a bad feeling. I’m holding out, but we will see.
  9. I think this one liked red/orange.
  10. Mine is not maroon... it’s plum. ?
  11. Sounds like I should just hire you as my agent.
  12. I picked up the small crank bait box and I’ll be honest, I am disappointed. The hooks keep getting caught on the bottom of the finger things and are very difficult to remove. I’m hoping to figure something out, because I like the idea of the box.
  13. Well its official guys. Got the word today that I am starting residency in Kansas City in mid-June. I've been following this thread for a couple years and am excited to get to call some of these waters my new home waters.
  14. Anyone recommend a good realtor?
  15. I guess the “finger” things in the “crank” box are more of a novelty than anything. So yes!
  16. I wish they would make a normal 3700 size box for cranks such as squarebills. The crank boxes, while awesome for a select few baits, don’t seem to hold a lot of baits.
  17. Today is the day to buy Plano Edge boxes if you want them. They are on sale for 25% off at BPS/Cabelas and there is a 10% off online purchases code for CLUB card holders. These discounts do indeed stack.
  18. Take your time. The R-series is an excellent entry level boat.
  19. I will say that I have a knack for finding great deals, and in general, electronic accessories, no matter their retail value generally don't change the price much on used boats. Your find is still a good deal and one to consider. However, I think if you were to miss out on it, another one equally could become available in a reasonable amount of time. I doubt you will find many (if any) 17 ft R series (R70-73) boats with Ultrex on them for sale. What's your budget and how far are you willing to travel?
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