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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. Thanks for the tips. Looking forward to trying them all out. I’ll be off work from June 2nd until June 24th so I’m hoping to get a taste of them all.
  2. Finally got an offer accepted today. Will be in the heart of Kansas City, Kansas in Wyandotte County. Closing date is set for June 2nd. 4318 Shearer Ct, Kansas City, Kansas https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4810-Shearer-Ct-Kansas-City-KS-66106/207881365_zpid/ Gotta figure out a way to fit my 20'8" boat (with motor down and turned) in a 20" garage. Also, got to build a privacy fence for my dogs. Anyone have a good reference for someone? I have built plenty of fences but not sure how much time I will have once we get moved in. Looking forward to making a new lake or lakes my home lake(s).
  3. Kansas City
  4. 10 days until graduation. My last "class"/assignment was today. Effectively done.
  5. Haven't been down (also from Omaha) myself this year - but several others I know have and it hasn't been as good as in previous years. The guys I know usually make a wiper run in the Spring and Fall and none of them did well at all this year.
  6. You can also gain hole shot by removing/upsizing vent plugs from a prop - usually less sacrificing of top end
  7. What are you trying to achieve? What prop or props do you currently have or have you tried on what boat with what motor?
  8. I have the 7’ 1” Skipping rod that I use as my deep jig rod; the 6’ 9” Skipping rod that I use to skip docks, the 7’ 3” multipurpose rod which I use for Texas rigs, and the Medium Heavy Spinning rod I use for finesse jigs. I absolutely love the sensitivity of all of them. They are also very light and well-balanced. They are a bit on the soft side as you really have to make sure to drive the hook through the bend of the rod to get a good hook set. I have missed a few fish That I feel I should have landed because I didn’t follow through with the hookset.
  9. Yep it was Nebraska!
  10. Still looking - things go very quick in the Shawnee/Lenexa and Merriam/Misson area. We have made a few offers but another is always accepted over ours. Just can’t get in in time. We are running out of time though because so have to be relocated by June 10th for work and right now it’s taking 40-45 days for closing times.
  11. Hahaha Yea I’m up to 5 fish over 6 pounds this year - in fact, I think I’ve caught more 6 lbers than 5 lbers this year ?
  12. Not bad for four hours of fishing!
  13. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/SupportCenter/OrderInfo/?from=basres#Guarantees
  14. For me, this app is a substitute for the RMP app since I’m an iOS user. It is functionally similar. I have the same scale and I like it a lot. It was also $50. It is very handy except for when you catch more than 8 fish if you are trying to total all weights. This is the reason I like the app, so I can easily tally all fish and cull digitally.
  15. Again - mostly for fun fishing bragging rights applications
  16. Maybe - but I also have fun fishing tournaments with my buddies and like to keep track of the total weight of all the fish caught - so for me it’s a least useful for that. It also adds up all the weights.
  17. Been looking for a culling app for my phone since the RMP Right Cull app isn’t supported by IOS. I stumbled across one called “Tournament Cull App” today and I think it will do a good job! $1.99 seems worth it to me.
  18. My profile picture is my bank PB - 8lbs 8oz. Also my overall PB.
  19. Keep it that way! If word gets out it'll spread worse than this virus and you can fish the good fishing in that little lake goodbye.
  20. Wow! Gotta love this time of year in the Midwest!
  21. Been to the ED in respiratory distress due to poison ivy several times. Almost had to be intubated due to it once. I hate the stuff.
  22. Pre-spawn or just a glutton?
  23. Well we didn’t get that one so I’ll probably be probing you guys about another in the near future. Thanks for all of the suggestions so far.
  24. I think my full jig box indicates I sort of like them...
  25. We've got this guys! Its not us vs. the virus... Its the virus vs. US!
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