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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. Interesting. I would think your beard hair would do a pretty good job of shielding you from UV. Just gotta cover your cheekbones and nose. Maybe a wide(r) brim hat?
  2. I found lures when a lake was drained that I lost 3 years prior.
  3. Patiently waiting for the flex series...
  4. Trying to get in tune with some of the weekday/weeknight tournaments that take place in and around the KC area. ***If this gets any traction I will edit this post with a running list*** So far these are the ones I know of: Wednesday: Wyandotte County Lake (Evening) Raintree Lake (Evening) Thursday Night: Bone Creek (Evening) Please feel free to share any you know of. Thanks! Also, please feel free to share any results of these weekday/weeknight tournaments you participated in or are aware of.
  5. I like the idea of the Plano Edge Flex box.
  6. Until you set it into a rock/log then have to go blow up your spot to get unsnagged. Until you swing on a fish after they spit it out and spook them. Until you swing on the edge of a rock and break off your rig including, plastic, hook and tung$ten. It’s more of a “one in hand is worth two in the bush” statement, and it’s probably better to set the hook on something that might be a bite now versus a bite that might happen in the future. But I will oppose that “hooksets are free” and that with skill an angler can make the most use of the cost.
  7. Usually if I am dragging bottom, I am dragging over things that feel similar (not exactly the same, but similar) to a bite. Thus, sometimes I pause after an unusual bump to be sure its a fish. Additionally, many times a fish will inhale and immediately spit a bait. You can't set the hook fast enough to beat them on this, but they will often times also pick it up again and when the do... WHAM!
  8. you could always rent a truck (u-haul pickup) for the days you want to fish...
  9. I keep saying I’m going to try somewhere new in the KC metro, but this keeps happening. I found a mid upper teens limit of them today.
  10. Glad you got it figured out safely.
  11. Not sure what sort of acreage is in your budget, but MO farm ponds can produce some massive bass. If you're collecting some acreage, might be worthwhile to assess the capability to build a small reservoir or come across one with a small reservoir that already exists. I would say NW MO is certainly the most dense with popular fishing access.
  12. If you only need an inch, take the wheel off of your current jack. Use the floor jack to get it high enough to swivel the trailer jack. Then use that jack to get it up high enough to get it on the hitch. Once its on the hitch, swivel back the trailer jack and put the wheel back on. Make sure to chalk the tires front and back on both sides during this process. Also, if you can't lift it off of the ground, you **may** (this is not always true) have too much tongue weight and may want to consider adjusting the location of your bow roller to decrease the tongue weight for a smoother ride and better wear on the tires. (Again, this may not be true in your situation depending on a lot of factors).
  13. Yep - water almost instantly cures most super glues.
  14. Loctite Gel Ultra - I have had the same bottle in the cup holder of my recessed trolling motor tray for over a year. Apply it where desired, place trailer - then dip it in water to cure almost instantly.
  15. Doesn't sound safe. I doubt the van is equipped with big brakes meant for stopping loads. Additionally, trying to maintain speed through any hills or overtaking cars will likely quickly take a toll on the transmission. Finally, what are the odds the van has difficulty pulling the boat out of the water on a slipper or steep ramp?
  16. Probably won’t hurt anything. If you get lazy and you keep catching fish at the same rate then you will know.
  17. The picture almost makes them look pearl. I know the perfect place for them right now, especially if fished more like a swimbait/swim jig. You mind sharing where you got them?
  18. This one wanted the Dark Sleeper so bad it munched it even with a gullet full of jig.
  19. Fished Bone Creek today with my dad. We caught nine altogether. The big was a 3 1/2 they should’ve weighed five. The best five fish were just under 14 pounds. Not bad for never having seen the lake before, in my opinion. Will update with some pictures later.
  20. Found some better ones at WyCo. Caught 36 between the two of us from 6-11AM.
  21. Not a dealer but this guy seems to have one. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/264780124612552/
  22. Anyone ever fish out at Berlin Reservoir (Kansas City International Airport)? My wife started a job on the new addition to the airport and keeps sending me pictures of the lake (Berlin reservoir).
  23. I have had good luck with a whopper plopper on rainy days.
  24. If you can bear the extra burden in your life, he needs you now more than ever.
  25. Exactly the kind of info I was looking for, thanks. Regarding BPS/Cabelas, I have heard that from several people in multiple regions. Turns out I accumulate thousands of dollars in BPS/Cabelas CLUB points and I probably still wouldn’t take it there.
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