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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. Did you ever get this kayak? Looking at the 10 ft version.
  2. I throw a squarebill with an 8.1 gear ratio reel and don’t try to reel slow. I catch a lot of fish on squarebills.
  3. You’re right, muddy wasn’t the right word. That may not be the case now though after the rain.
  4. Water temp 73 today. 2-3 foot visibility (muddy compared to what I’ve seen previously). Hooked into two nice ones at the boat ramp and both of them flipped off before getting a good look because it was dark. One was a really rod bender on a big heavy action swimbait rod. Only managed to get a few dinks in the boat and one more nice follower strike and miss at the boat.
  5. @A-Jay Thanks for writing up this post. It’s a great service to the forum.
  6. The “Steez” has arrived. I can’t afford to break anymore rods. (Glare intentional)
  7. Sounds like something to put the Mega 360 to work!
  8. Someone was telling me there is an old large piece of earth moving equipment at the bottom of the lake and you can see the top of it when the water is low. Can anyone confirm?
  9. Might have an open seat Sunday morning.
  10. I didn’t even get a follower on a Roman Made Nego or on a crappie pained Hinkle.
  11. Well the bait monkey won. The rod is replacing one that was my dad’s and the last thing he gave me, so it had to be the best... well at least that’s what the bait monkey convinced me of.
  12. Interesting comment. I suggest you read the book. I suspect you will learn something. Let me know if you have issues finding a copy and I will help you out. Turns out that its ok to listen to what both have to say. They probably can inform each other a lot. This thread has become a debate of laboratory science vs. field science, which is really a false dichotomy.
  13. While I’m not sure what the term “junk science” means, I would not call the book a thesis project and I don’t think it was designed that way. There are a few pieces of data presented that seem to be pretty solid from a scientific perspective, particularly the data related to strike frequency on artificial bait size and whether or not the bait had appendages and the data presented on color of baits influencing strike frequency to name a few. Actually, if anything these experiments are the antithesis of “junk science” because all of the other variables are controlled in these tank studies. Now, whether or not these tendencies are strong enough to overcome environmental variables is an entirely different experimental question. In general, the book is a commentary (Dr. Jones’ theories) on how bass biology might affect bass behavior in relation to bass fishing.
  14. I would suggest getting on Google Earth and look at the historical satellite images and find where the man-made rock piles and brush piles are. The fish in those smaller man-made reservoirs in that area tend to congregate around these types of cover very well.
  15. The Wyandotte County permit is required only for Pierson Park County Pond (I wouldn’t waste your time there) and Wyandotte County Lake I believe.
  16. Not normal. Continue to investigate. Hope you figure it out and its a simple fix.
  17. I broke my favorite spinning rod (nothing fancy) and am looking to replace it. I wa originally going to replace it with an upgrade to the Daiwa Tatula Elite series of spinning rods. Out of nowhere the bait monkey started whispering "Steez" and now I am looking at a Steez for replacement. I know if this happens all of my rods will be upgraded to Steez before the end of the year. **Down BAITMONKEY! BAD!**
  18. Yes. Well aware of half hour to hour range. Omaha was 10-20 minute range.
  19. Omaha had a lot of small lakes with surprisingly god bass fishing within a very small radius. I only moved down here to KC in June, and have so far found that KC doesn’t quite have the proximity of small lakes. On the other hand, if you drive a little further you are a lot closer to bigger reservoirs with lots of species options. Good luck.
  20. Welcome! Where you coming from in NE (I am assuming that’s where the Husker comes from).
  21. Oh come on, the anticipation is part of the fun.
  22. Depends on how you fish. For me, when I am fishing water shallow enough for my power poles to hold I am typically moving fast making 1-2 casts per target. This, I don’t find the powerpoles all that useful for fishing (I have 8’ Blades). I do however find them very useful for retrieving expensive lures that are snagged and for docking the boat at the courtesy ramp. I also find it useful to deploy them when I hook into a fish in shallow water when it’s very windy. I can count on one hand the number of fish I’ve caught with the powerpoles deployed. The anchor function on the other hand I use for fishing offshore targets. Now that I have it I will never go back. I have caught countless fish that I attributed to being able to hit the anchor button and work a brush pile, rock pile or steep bank. If I had to choose one or the other it would be hands down the anchor function on the trolling motor.
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