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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. I find it hard not to get up (too) early when I know I’m going fishing.
  2. Ended up cancelling my order and refunding.
  3. You will love it. It will make you an even better fisherman in that 8 feet of water or less range. You will be able to find grass lines like you never could before.
  4. Not looking good so far... haven’t heard from them.
  5. Everything but deep cranks for me.
  6. Well, I’ll let you know.
  7. Was this the change!? if so, I like it! Nice work!
  8. Got the same @siebertoutdoors Tungsten package today, myself. Super happy with it!
  9. Growing up we would catch a whole stronger full at private ponds and then have a fish fry. I always enjoyed it.
  10. 80-lb will do what you want it to. 112-lb will never leaving questioning. If you can afford lithium batteries, then go for it. Otherwise you are going to have to overcome the challenge of fitting the batteries.
  11. Oh I am never disappointed with their Black Friday or cyber Monday sales. I take well advantage of them being a Black card holder usually 3-5x rewards points during these sales. I usually don’t end up spending any of my own money, just take advantage of the points bonus.
  12. Anyone got the in on BPS/Cabelas Black Friday sales?
  13. Cabela’s Mean Eye “Walleye Series” - They don’t have the most detailed color selection, but they have the right colors and they flat work.
  14. I have seen lots of things I like. None of them that I know of are USCG-approved. Thanks for your help.
  15. Based on all of the “read the USCG guidelines” comments, it sounds like there isn’t a popularized and approved solution to this. Sounds like hardwiring the current nav light on the post and securing it permanently is the best solution.
  16. It wouldn’t have to be a strip per se. could be a single light. Just something permanent on the edge (or could even be on the front) of the bow. Somewhere unobstructed.
  17. Safety 100% first. The only reason I am interested in the bow lights is that my boat has the old style bow navigation light that is on a small removable post. It’s rather inconvenient to remove and replace it so I am looking for a more permanent solution so I don’t lose or forget it. It’s actually works quite well because being on the post it comes above the excess of electronic accessories I have on the bow of my boat, overcoming any potential visual obstruction.
  18. Anyone ever come up with any USCG approved navigation lights for the rub rail or permanent light strips for the bow?
  19. I just use a Deep 3700 Plano. Works well. To secure the rings just wrap the string around each one in a series and then resecure the string to the box. You might need a longer string to do that.
  20. Anyone have any tips of fixing a loose guide insert? It hasn’t come out yet but it makes a bunch of noise and is clearly loose.
  21. The Lake Baccarac Instagram has confirmed A-Jay’s arrival and shared photo evidence of what looks like a DD.
  22. Anyone have any recommendation for someone to do some landscaping in the area? Wanting to build a small pavestone retaining wall around part of the front of my house as a sort of shrubbery/flower bed.
  23. I don’t think the fish are bothered too much by a poke of the hook. After all they eat small bait fish with sharp fins spines all of the time. I am however under the impression that feeling resistance of the line or pull of the line will shy them away. There are some limited tank and field scientific data to support this theory, but nothing definitive.
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