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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. As you walk through the doors there is a black and white picture of what appears to be the founders with a bunch of fishing gear and rods on shelves and displays, however, as you enter the doors you quickly realize things have changed as there is not a single item of fishing gear in the store.
  2. Using braid? Could be slipping on the spool.
  3. Make friends with the guy. Ask to fish with him next time he comes around. Invite him over for BBQ Share some intel with him. Start looking forward to bullsh*tting with him when he comes your way. There are few people who respect you more than your friends.
  4. Boat is in the shop getting routine water pump maintenance. All the gear is ready to go back in!
  5. Use a transducer mounting plate and first start with it level. If one side has a bad picture then you can adjust, without making more holes in your boat if you use a mounting plate. Think of the transducer signal like a beam of light coming out of the sides of the transducer, you want that light to reach the structure on the lake you want to graph. If the beam hits something on the boat then that’s the return you will get. Regarding the wiring, I recommend an isolated circuit of wiring to the battery. This circuit should include a switch to cut power and the manufacturer recommended fuse.
  6. I was fishing with a buddy last spring when he swung on a fish and snapped it off. I cast a dark sleeper out to the same rock pile and caught a fish with his jig in its mouth.
  7. Do you mind sharing your leash / harness setup for the cycle. I have a couple of mushers that I'd love to setup to pull the bike.
  8. I’ve never seen a bass wear sunscreen or sunglasses, but who knows.
  9. The SI transducer will need to be leveled and made sure to have no obstruction on either side. Other than that the install is very similar.
  10. I have a whole arsenal of Tatula Elite rods. All of the tips are indeed very soft. What model specifically were you looking at for your jig rod. I primarily use the Andy Montgomery 7’1” skipping jig rod. It’s very sensitive. When I first got it I did lose a few fish due to the soft tip not driving the hook well enough. I have since learned better techs for setting the hook which has eliminated the problem. The Cody Meyer ML spinning rod is basically a noodle. I currently use it for Ned rigs, but it is incredibly difficult to be accurate casting with it because it’s so floppy. I need to play around with different presentations and weights to use it for to find a place for it in my Arsenal.
  11. Sounds like you have an advantage of being close by to run in and check the stock yourself while others might look online and give up. Many of the Spring Sale items are in store only anyhow.
  12. Anyone got any info on the BPS spring sale yet?
  13. You will be fine without powerpoles. you can always add them later if you change your mind.
  14. I picked up a second jig / bladed jig box to organize my blades jigs because it worked so nice for my regular jigs. Over half of them just slide around because the gap is just slightly too wide between the posts. Hopefully they either come up with a workaround, or change the box a bit to make it more universal for jackhammers. I also hope they make a flex box in the regular and thin size.
  15. If you’re only or mostly fishing no gas lakes then you will likely never notice. I don’t have that boat and have no experience with it being pushed by a 25 hp motor, but I imagine it’s slow to get to plane and that it won’t do more than 15-20 mph.
  16. I use high gear ratio for bottom contact and top water. I also use an 8 gear ratio reel for squarebills - and I catch a lot of fish on squarebills - probably the single most productive technique for me.
  17. Is there a reason you have opted for the 25 hp motor? Personally, starting with the biggest outboard possible would be at the top of my list and supersede all other “upgrades” - everything else is cheap and is to add in comparison later on.
  18. 2 Humminbird helix G4N 15’s (one SI+ and one CHO) at the console, 1 Humminbird helix G4N 15 and 1 Humminbird helix G4N 12 (one SI+ and one CHO) at the bow and a MEGA 360. Add the MEGA Live when it becomes available. Ultrex 112 IPilot link trolling motor. You can network it all and even configure the graphs to show the engine data with NMEA with the G4N units.
  19. Spider Manning - Shortly after Tom Brady wins his 7th SuperBowl, Peyton Manning comes out retirement to chase down the title for the GOAT. After throwing four interceptions and losing his first game back in the NFL he steps on a spider on the way out of the locker room. He wakes the next day with rejuvenated strength and an extra sense for the for the movement of the defense. Can he claim the title as GOAT, capturing a SuperBowl ring for each leg of his mutant origins or will his aspirations be squashed!?
  20. Karate Kidding It’s the Harlem Globetrotters of the Martial Arts World, prepare to be entertained by pants ripping high kicks, ear piercing “hhhiiiiyyyyyyyaaaaaawwws” and jabs at your fashion choice in this comedic take on Karate.
  21. Buy whatever one that has the most accessible dealer.
  22. BPS has an excellent sale going on right now for electronics. Especially if you are a black level club card holder. They have G3N SI+ Helix 10 units for $1,599. Additionally if you buy one they give you a $100 gift card, and if you are a club card holder you get $320 back (3x points + original points) in Club points, so effectively $420 total in gift cards. Holds true for multiple other electronics they have on sale right now as well.
  23. Hey guys let’s get off the my store is better than yours and get back on the sales.
  24. The basspro batteries are a rebranded ReLion battery, a very reputable lithium battery company. Bass Pro’s prices are quite a bit higher than getting them from another dealer, but they seem to be in stock which means easy replacement.
  25. Best way to get speed on that boat is to put it on the trailer and pull it with the truck. it’s not build for speed. It’s terribly economically inefficient to put money (likely thousands) into to to try to make it go faster when you will at most only gain 3-4 mph.
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