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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. Side. You can get close to a down imaging return between the boat and the bottom with side imaging
  2. You may be right. I meant the parts department. If you can get hold of them they are still excellent. Running a skeleton crew these days it seems though.
  3. Yes. Will cost about $800 to add LINK to an Ultrex. As far as G3 vs. G4, the price is pretty similar right now due to super high demand. Good luck finding either in stock. The G4 units can’t really do much now than the G3. G4 has a WIFI capability which no one knows the function of yet, and a direct connect for NMEA engine data. I wouldn’t worry so much about having the latest and greatest. Even the “outdated” G2N equipment provides and excellent image. The only problem you may run into is support for networking older and newer units
  4. I’ve found you can fit about 50% more crankbaits in the EDGE boxes if you trim the divider in half to make it shorter and allow the bill to sit over it.
  5. What’s stopping you from going forward to that?
  6. I believe that to be true. I usually try to aim for the decal in hopes that it might help. The hardcore conservationists would say to lip the fish and unhook it in the water. Considering that 20 years ago that fish would have went into the frying pan had I caught it, I think I’ll live with myself for snapping a picture on the deck.
  7. What you mean to say is they are both owned by the same parent company. The original service department that is well-known as being top notch still exists but is just under new parent ownership.
  8. Oh no! She’s not dead. I should have kept her in the net while the livewell filled. I’ve actually thought about this a lot. More trauma than she needed. rest assured she swam away with no problem. I even got it on video.
  9. If you can find the Duracell 31 AGM at a Sam’s club nearby, they are the best bang for the buck 31 series size AGM. A great battery!
  10. Use the satellite overlay on Google maps and look for the big grey rectangular thing near the bank. ?
  11. Well the idiot that posted the picture sideways finally learned how to post them properly!
  12. Anyone else want to give this a shot? @Heartland did a fantastic job and sent some fantastic jigs and I'd love for him to make more but last I spoke with him he was out of commission.
  13. • Upsize bait • Fish slightly deeper • Just keep fishing the same spot from different angles. In my experience, if the fish are grouped up there's a big on in there, just gotta get give them a chance <= this is not the same as fishing a pattern that it is producing smaller fish (Don't mean to contradict A-Jay, but I have caught multiple 5+ lb fish in spots where I had caught several 2-3+ fish by simply come back and back and back to that spot either within the same session or same day)
  14. But that really only lasts for one cast. It doesn’t go back on the spool that tight reeling it in unless you have the drag cinched down and your reeling in a big rock. I know some here are going to scoff but I find that using line conditioner on braid makes a ton of difference! agree about the slack line sensitivity of braid. It’s terrible!
  15. I used it all the time fishing farm ponds growing up when all I used was Shakespeare spinning gear from Walmart. Caught thousands of bass up to 8 lbs on it, including the one in my profile picture. Broke off a few times but can’t say it would have been less with any other line.
  16. I find it very satisfying and relatively easy to skip a weightless Texas rigged senko on about any gear.
  17. I got it, I'd get it again and I'd recommend everyone to get it. I am around deathly ill and dying covid patients everyday. Swimming in their respiratory cloud and secretions. Working in their airway. Performing tracheotomies when they've been intubated for several days or after they've recovered from the initial phase and end up in the hospital due to a stroke and can't protect their airway. Turning off their BiPAP when they decide they don't want to be intubated. Calling them with the results of their screening test before a surgery and recommending they quarantine, despite they feel fine. Fielding their calls when they have some mild symptoms and counseling them when and if to come to the hospital. Sharing the joy with the families when the endotracheal tube is finally removed and they can breath on their own. Empathizing with families because they finally get to leave the hospital, but are destined indefinitely to a long-term care facility, "recovered." Old, young, introverts, extroverts, travelers, homebodies, out-and-about, isolated -- much like getting coached about motorcycle safety, its the other guy you have to watch out for. -"How could I have gotten it? I wore a mask. I stayed in." -"I know exactly how I got it, met up with a bunch of friends at a bar and had a good time." -"It was my brother's funeral, he died from covid and about 75% of the attendees of the funeral got it." -"She had covid back in July and stayed home from school with no symptoms and in December she ended up in the ICU for tonsillitis. Comatose. With a breathing tube. She's only 14, I thought covid didn't do much to children." -"I had it, I didn't even know it. I felt fine. Never had any problem." -"I lost my sens of smell, but that's about it." The vaccine covers you, no matter your lifestyle. Like wearing a PFD when you are fishing, only you don't need to take it off and put it on and its much more comfortable. People always asking for 1 (or 2) shot cures for horrible diseases instead of having to take lots of pills and have lots of interventions. This is it. I didn't grow a third eye, or arm or any other mutant side effects. I did feel like crap for about a day after the second dose. I had no residual side effects following that. I have seen a couple people have some lymph nodes swell up around their clavicle and armpit and then go away about a week later. A few of my colleagues have had to take a day off from work due to nausea / vomiting or body aches, some have had no symptoms at all and most have had a slight annoyance of feeling achy. Only a handful of people with severe side effects suspected across the world. I would recommend everyone to get it. However, its your own personal decision. If you're on the fence about it and have questions feel free to PM me. I don't claim to have all of the answers, and I will be foreward that it will be my intent to encourage you to get it, but I am happy to try to answer any questions even if it only leads to one more vaccine. I am surprised this thread is still alive.
  18. Do they stay!?!? That’s brilliant!
  19. Pictures fixed!!! I always wondered how people posted multiple high res images into on post! Now I can finally do it! Sweet!
  20. Yea BR does not like when I post pictures from my phone always says they are too big, and when I downsize them it’s turns them sideways. Idk why BR has such a difficult picture posting mechanism. It’s my only gripe about this forum. Too many steps involved to post multiple pics... I know I know space is $$ and original photos take up a lot. I can upload them individually as a bigger size and they are fine and oriented correctly. if any mod wants to reorient the pics please go for it.
  21. Since I’ve visited the 8-lb club, but boy it feels good to be back! It’s been a weird week and a slow one at work, which is a much needed change of pace for me. I also finally got my boat back after some repairs and maintenance and upgrades to some lithium batteries compliments of Capital One (BPS club points). I have been itching to get the boat out to see how it runs with the decreased weight and tune up and found out earlier this week I’d be off on Friday! With the cold snap we had last week there was only one lake certain to be thawed that I could open up the big motor on, a power plant lake. Due to a bit of compounded fatigue, I slept in a little, later than I usually would like on a fishing day, however I wasn’t really planning on too much fishing, really just a trip to get the boat wet. It also took me longer to load the boat due to all of my gear being out during the repairs (wow I have too much!) I finally made it to the lake around 9 AM. For the first time since I’ve owned it, the boat turned over and stayed started after the first turn of the key! A good start to the day. The motor is 2001 125 HP 2-stroke and previously required some massaging to get warmed up. After backing it off the trailer and parking the truck I was ready to see what it could do. Throttle down and the bow never even lifted, it was immediately on plane! Maybe gained 1 MPH to speed after shedding ~150 lbs of battery weight. The water temp was 60 and the wind was a nice 10 mph but out of the east and overcast so I decided to try to crank some wind blown banks. I cranked and cranked and cranked and threw swimbaits and a jig and didn’t get the slightest bit of positive feedback. No bites. I’d fished for about 3 hours and was about ready to call it quits, after all i was happy to have gone out to get the boat wet. There was one more bluff I wanted to fish because all of the gulls and cormorants had been swirling over it all day. I zipped over there and there were far more birds than I thought. I was also marking numerous returns of large isolated spread out fish. I imagine they were carp, drum or catfish. I started out throwing a chartreuse chatterbait then an orange Flat 75. No luck. Then I decided to do something that @Russ E and @Bluebasser86 had previously suggested at this lake in the summertime, throw a black trick worm. I grabbed my terminal tackle box and pulled out a black @Siebert Outdoors dredge shakey head, screwed a Zoom magnum finesse trick worm on to the lure keeper and buried the hook. I tossed it a few times, getting it wedged between some rocks and successfully shaking it free without having to move the boat to the shore. Then I cast and it was stuck! I shook it a few times to try to free it but it wouldn’t budge. For a second I thought I felt it move but wrote it off to the movement of the boat in the wind. I pulled again, and this time it did move but felt like a big limb slowly coming up. Then it made a hard steady pull back! This lake is known for big flat head and I was sure that’s what it was. I thought, this will be fun. I spend about 2 minutes getting it close to the boat and when it gets close I do a couple of laps around the boat with it before I see it, AND THEN I SEE IT, NOT A FLATHEAD, but a gargantuan football bass. She must have seen me too because then she dove and zzzzzziiiiipppppp goes the drag on my spinning reel, spooled with 10lb powerpro and 6 lb blue label leader. I keep calm, when she came up her mouth was open and I could see the line disappear into her mouth so I knew she was hooked good. “Where’s the net?... right where it’s supposed to be.” I work her for another lap around the boat and swoop her right into the net! An 8.04 lb behemoth of obese fat mamma jamma bursting at the gut big ol bass!!! Woooooooooo!!! I knew she was every bit of 7 lbs, a number I had been trying to break for the last several years. I get her on the scale and I immediately see and 8, never dropped below and ultimately landed at 8.04! The last time I caught an 8lb fish was when I was 8 years old and caught an 8-8 on a bobber and minnow. Welcome back she says! Nearly 22” long and nearly 20” in girth! Forgive the livewell pic, it was filled shortly after but I think that picture really demonstrates her size, she barely fit!
  22. Mine come off pretty much anytime the boat is not in the water. No need to subject them to the extra vibration of trailering, the risk of them getting stolen while stopping or who knows what debris may float down the road. I keep them all locked up in a Plano gun case which sits in the back seat of my truck locked and out of sight for brief stops or goes inside with me when stopped for the night somewhere.
  23. Yes you can do what you are asking if and only if the Helix 7 and 9 are both “N” units. you can share all data transducer, temperature and GPS data (except for map cards) between all Helix N units.
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