I'm about to move to the area and am wondering if there's any decent largemouth honey holes. I don't have a boat or anything, just walk along the shoreline and try to get a bite. Any suggestions?
I'm pretty new to the area and have been fishing random ponds trying to find some decent populations. I don't have a boat or anything, just walk along the shoreline and try to get a bite. So far I haven't been having much luck at all. Any suggestions?
I'm from Plantation and pretty much every canal is loaded with bass. If you go down East Acre Blvd to the dead end theres a canal system that goes under a Florida Turnpike bridge that is absolutely LOADED with bass and snook.
I'm pretty new to Va Beach and have been looking for good spots to fish some bass. Mind telling me which golf course you go to? Or some other spots to try?
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