Today was not only my first time kayak fishing, but also my first time in a kayak. I was at Lake Cooley in Inman, SC and rented a FeelFree Lure 11.5 fishing kayak. After my time on the water I have mixed feeling as to whether I still want to purchase a kayak of my own.
Once I entered the water, even sitting still the kayak dipped to port. It didn't track very well, and the paddle they gave me was too short for use with the raised seat. So instead of gripping the paddle centered, on each stroke I would have to slide the paddle down, paddle, raise, and slide down the other side.
I've never fished this lake before and didn't know what baits to bring and I made the mistake of bringing my entire backpack bag. This made it a pain to change baits, and as water splashed the canvas bag got heavier and heavier making it tough to grab from or place in the storage behind me. Eventually I kept it between my legs, but that meant it got even more wet.
As for the fishing, I spent a LOT more time either paddling or positioning the kayak than I did actually fishing. Sometimes I hit the sweet spot with the current and others I had to keep repositioning. I also found out that throwing a bait with a decent sized blade would spin the bow of the kayak if I cast off to the side.
As for the fishing itself, I caught nothing. I didn't even see a bass in the two hours I was out there. My buddy did manage to catch a crappie.
The wind picked up later in the morning as I was heading in and the short paddle made it that much more difficult going against the current.
Despite a little bit of frustration today I'll probably try it again. I'll also limit myself to one or two Plano boxes and throw my gripper and fishing tool in my pocket. I'll have to get better at positioning myself, but even then having to jog all of the time is a pain. I think that if I do purchase a kayak in the future I'll splurge and buy a pedal drive kayak with reverse. It will make it much easier to keep the kayak positioned properly and still allow me to fish at the same time.
The good news is that it was beautiful weather with temps in the 70's and that made it a pleasant time on the water. But my first experience in a kayak was that it was too much time working the kayak and not enough fishing. Now I understand why some guys are out there on the water for 6 hours. I can get as many quality casts bank fishing in two hours as most probably get from a kayak in double or triple that time.