The schedule dropped tonight:
January: Lake Havasu, AZ
February: Kissimee Chain of Lakes, FL
April: Dale Hollow, TN
May: Lake Tenkiller, OK
July: Lake Champlain, NY
September: Toledo Bend, TX
All great fisheries but the general consensus is that it's too spread out. Your top 3 finishes count towards AOY, but it will be tough for most to make even three tournaments with all of that travel.
If I'm still living in GA (which is doubtful), both Dale Hollow and Kissimmee are 6 hours away. Tenkiller is 13 hours away, Champlain is 18 hours away, Toled0 Bend is 12 hours away, and Havasu might as well be on another planet (29 hours away). If I'm SC, Kissimmee is about the same but add two hours or more for the others.
I'd like to fish Kissimmee, but I doubt that happens if I take a new job in January. It looks like I'll just be fishing Bass Nation events in SC and maybe GA next year. That's too bad, because I really was hoping to fish 3-4 Bassmaster events in 2025.
The Bassmaster TD did say that in 2026 he expects much tighter groupings of events. I think they want to see if they can still get 220+ anglers at some of these western events and my guess is that of they do, they end up with an East Series and West Series within the next three years.