Whether you are bank fishing or fishing from a boat the fish are in the same spot. But with bank fishing the question is always, "Can I even get to that spot?" We have a ton of lagoons in our area with dense vegetation and woods surrounding the basin and since alligators are prevalent here I stay away from any areas where my egress would be impeded.
Here's what I do:
Plan ahead using Google Earth or Google Maps and look for areas that might hold bass (points, vegetation, streams, rip rap, man made structures, etc).
I don't rush to the shoreline once I get there. I take the time to look around for potential hot spots.
Once I find a potential hot spot I look for an area away from that where I can still reach it with an accurate cast. Not too close, and definitely not too far away where cast accuracy diminishes.
Tread lightly. I do not want to spook fish in areas where I want to cast.
This last one is tricky for me since we have alligators everywhere. I take a lot of extra time scouting areas from a distance if there is any potential alligator cover. I also make sure to where polarized glasses and look beneath the surface of the water where I am standing along the shore. I don't want to become gator bait.
If I can, I try and find a spot where I can cast along a great length of the shoreline, say at a notch in the bank or the end of the lagoon. Unlike in a boat where you dot your casts down the shoreline, if you find the right spot along the shore you can cover all of that in just a few casts. Who knows, if you do hook up it may scare off other bass along the shoreline, but so far it has worked for me.