I went fishing yesterday and rather than drive I was riding my bike from lagoon to lagoon and then back home. As I was getting near home I had to go down a small grass hill, up another small hill and cross from grass to a sidewalk. Well, I didn't turn sharp enough traversing the grass to the sidewalk and the wheel rode along the two inches of concrete and the next thing I know the bike dumps and my forearm crashes into the concrete.
I was on my side and slowly rolled on my back and that's where the problem (or comedy depending upon your point of view) started. I was wearing my fishing backpack and along with 5 plano boxes of tackle, scale, tools, and assorted other gear I had 3 bottles of water in my backpack. That may not sound like much but when you're in your 50's and out of shape it proved challenging to try and get up. I must have been a sight for anyone watching!
I finally rolled to my side and got my feet under me, but instead of taking the backpack off I tried to stand up and was just stuck there mid-squat! A woman was walking her dog nearby and then I realized she was asking me if I was alright. My reply was, "I'm OK - just an old man trying to ride a bike like a kid." I finally summoned all of my strength and managed to remove myself from the squat position, reset the handlebars on my bike and rode the rest of the way home.
I've got a huge bruise on my forearm and it hurts like heck, but it's not as big as my bruised ego at being stuck on my back for a few seconds like an overturned turtle. As much as I feel young, it was a shock at how weak I have become. It's time to start getting some quality exercise!