Hey all
Looking to get a new set up that could cover jigging(1/2 oz) in mixed cover, also good for senko weighted about 1/4 oz, carolina rig 1/2 oz or so and the same for a swim bait. I have a good rod for shakey head and have been happy with the powell rod I got. Im thinking a bait caster this time around as I dont have one and would like to get more comfortable with them (I have used them). Was thinking something 7-3 med heavy fast but am not sure what to do for a reel, is 6.4:1 okay or too slow, any recommendations would be great on size and brand. i use 20lb seagar 832 with a 10-12lb invizx leader and am very happy with it. Ive read a bit saying to go with heavier braid so it doesnt cut into the spool, can anyone elaborate on whether this is a big deal or not? Looking to spend 200-250
Thanks for the help