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Everything posted by BigAngus752

  1. That's exactly what is going to happen Monday. This dog is also clairvoyant!!!
  2. A few years ago I called Duckett Fishing and ended up talking with a guy in the rod shop. They had discontinued my favorite line of rods and I told him I was trying to find a MH rod with a lot of backbone but a very parabolic tip and moderate action that could hurl a lure a mile and could keep a fish pinned with treble hooks. He said, "Wow, you practically just quoted Jacob when he told us what he wanted". I figured that was a clue so I bought one Jacob Wheeler rod. I now own 3. I use them for medium and deep crankbaits, medium and large spinnerbaits, and vibrating jigs. If this description sounds like what you are looking for you can always find the Jacob Wheelers on sale sometime from now until Xmas. I have two MH/Moderate Fast and 1 HF. Edit: I just looked them up and saw that Duckett has discontinued them and now sells Jacob Wheeler Select rods for $249. Maybe you can find one of the original Wheelers still in stock somewhere. Should be $149 or less. I suggest the MH/Moderate Fast in 7'3".
  3. My closest lake is electric only. Fortunately they allow gas engines on the boat as long as they aren't used. My point to this topic, however, is that one of the guys that lives on this lake has a good-size jon boat with an all electric outboard in 6 or 7hp. I swear you could ski behind it. This guy flies down the lake leaving a full wake behind him. I've talked to him and he loves it. Unfortunately I won't see him again until spring or I'd get the make/model for you.
  4. East Central Illinois here. This is usually the time of year that I'm getting my largest numbers by far. The warm weather has slowed that. I caught about 20 today but the water temps are still about 6 degrees higher than usual for November 15. I'm hoping the incoming cold will bump up the action for a week or so before the fall feed is done for the year.
  5. I understand your point, but it's a hard row to hoe finding a professional athlete (or comedian, or politician) that isn't a train wreck in their personal life. I won't cast the first stone. And I have the same suspicions you do. I suspect Mike CAN clap this guy in round 1....but I'm afraid he'll just dance with him for money instead.
  6. The wife and I are looking forward to watching Iron Mike drop this fool. It will make me feel better about my own age too! LOL
  7. Nice! That sounds like a good day (and a bad headache for me the next day).
  8. Congratulations! That's an epic fish. The southerners won't understand this milestone in Illinois. You've found great water and you've certainly put the work in. Well-deserved PB! Go for seven!
  9. Really love the Weller 12. It's always so consistent year after year. Always delicious.
  10. That's a good looking bass! Love those colors.
  11. Asked my wife where she wanted to go for her birthday and she picked Frankfurt, KY and Bardstown, KY. We've been there before so we knew of places we could shop and not pay for overpriced bottles. This was the result. Should last us until the next trip, LOL.
  12. Ned gets a 1. Frog or toad in lily pads gets a 9. Everything else I throw falls somewhere in between.
  13. The Illini hosted Purdue. Illini came in 4-1. Purdue 1-4. Purdue had beaten the Illini 6 in a row at home. Illinois went up 27-3 and ended up behind briefly and then winning 50-49. The craziness continues. I hate watching boring games so....
  14. ^^^This is a champion's mentality^^^ If you decide that there are circumstances in which you are unlikely to catch fish, then you probably won't. It's extremely rare that I get to fish for smallmouth and your tactics are extremely similar to my tactics for LM fishing in clear(ish) water.
  15. Outstanding work!
  16. I was fishing at a private fishing club today on a lake that is rarely fished. I find this little guy stuck in a crevice in a log. His shell and head were dried out and I thought he was dead. I was surprised to find him alive and kicking when I pulled him out of his predicament. I clearly saved this turtle's life and I really expected him to be appreciative but he tried to bite my face several times when I only wanted a selfie with him. I was about to set him free when I discovered HE HAS NO BACK LEGS. He just has two nubs. Something had long ago bitten his hind legs off. I was feeling sorry for him and wondering how he was escaping predators and feeding himself when he has no back legs. I had kneeled to pull him out of the water and take the selfie and I set the turtle down on the deck to push off from the laydown and HE CHARGED ME! He tried to bite the side of my calf so I stood while he tried to chase me around my own boat. Seriously ungrateful turtle. Allow me to summarize: 1. I saved this turtle's life and he hates me. 2. He has no back legs. I named him Lt. Dan and sent him on his way.
  17. Okuma TCS All Purpose is the deal for this. A more moderate tip that makes it extremely easy to walk lures and works perfectly for treble hooks. Keeps the fish pinned but good backbone. Love this rod for Spooks and pencil lures. During the sales you'll get one for $120 or less. You won't be throwing a spinnerbait with it. It's very much a treble rod but it does trebles better than any other rod I've ever used.
  18. I don't mind sharing my spots, but I thought this was funny. This is what my friends would expect of me. Turns out I'm more pleasant when I'm fishing.
  19. I completely agree with you. The solution (as stated by many others) is reading glasses and a Palomar knot. The Palomar is easier to tie with thin line and it is, in my experience, stronger on the really thin lines than the Uni or Trilene knots. Sit on the couch and practice the Palomar. It will make your life much easier while fishing.
  20. Have one in the fridge! I got six different Oktoberfests last weekend with a Binny's "pick six" and that's one of them. Good to hear that I got at least one good one. Had a Reservoir Brewing Oktoberfest last night. They are in Colorado. It was good, but not run-and-buy-a-six-pack good.
  21. I use them mostly under a specific set of circumstances, like Tom @WRB does. I have great success using Zoom Ol' Monsters during the height of summer when the water is warmest. Typically 6ft or deeper. Also, a small curly-tail worm rigged weightless and jiggled/wiggled deep into cover is one of my best producers when the males are guarding fry during the spawn.
  22. ^^^this^^^ I sometimes, not always, use Megastrike on plastics except when I'm using Berkley MaxScent plastics. If I'm flipping/pitching (putting my hand on the lure/bait each cast) then I smear a small amount of MegaStrike on my hands. The latter is where I see significantly repeatable results. I can go from no bites to many bites when flipping/pitching by putting a scent on my hands or by cleaning my hands in lakewater with non-fragrance soap. I have also consistently gone from no bites to several bites by using a MaxScent plastic. Nothing, however, is a sure thing. Your results may vary because mine certainly do.
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