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Everything posted by BigAngus752

  1. Yup. We've all been hit many times either freeing a snag or swinging and missing. I've had hooks stuck in my clothes and in my leg. Heck, I had a flying jig take my hat off of my head in a near miss. I wear glasses at all times when fishing. I have some light amber for when there isn't much light.
  2. Well, I answered my own question. I previously posted a thread asking if striper feed up shallow in the spring like they do in fall. I decided to drive to my 'striper lake' and find out. Yes...yes they do. Caught several. This is the biggest at 8-4. The angriest, however, was a 5-4 that I thought might do me harm.
  3. It just looks delicious to me.
  4. We'd be barfing in a ocean liner but @A-Jay would be out there in the Pro-V rippin' lips and making videos like, "Look how smooth my Lund rides"...
  5. Midwest, my brother! Everybody's weather, every other day.
  6. It's pure joy. One of the very few things I could do daily and never tire of it. Congratulations on finding it!
  7. No ice fishing and no fishing during a tornado. Like, in the middle of one. Adjacent to a tornado is acceptable.
  8. Well, that is very good (if not troubling) information. The lake where I find them each fall is a man-made impoundment and I am literally going to the same creek arm every day and wearing my arms out for about 2-3 weeks depending on how fast the water temps drop. Other fishermen are catching them in the summer on the same lake using more traditional methods of fishing deep structure using live bait. I haven't gotten into that yet but I may give it a try this year.
  9. I made a fish pun. See that? 💥 Over the past 5 or 6 years I have found great joy in catching striper on crankbaits in a foot of water during the fall. There is one particular lake where I have them absolutely dialed in, catching up to 10lb striper over and over as they feed super shallow before winter. The lake is a bit of a drive for me and my question is, could I expect the same/similar behavior of striper at any point in the spring? I can find the exact spot in the fall based on water temp, wind direction, etc., but can I find shallow striper in the spring hitting moving baits? What conditions should I look for?
  10. When using braid on a spinning reel I choose 6lb or 4lb and I like yellow if I want high visibility or moss green if I don't. I do not, however, throw any moving baits on spinning gear so you might prefer heavier line, but you may not like trying to fish a Ned rig on 15lb braid.
  11. I'm 6'4 my son 6'7. My sister is 6'2, her daughter 6'5. Our parents refused to discuss our heritage. We suspect that is due to a history of alien abduction. Oh, and German.
  12. I reserve this only for catfish that make be believe for 3 seconds that I've caught my PB bass. I know some people that do this.
  13. Rereading everything I can see that it could be interpreted that I was downplaying the slime coat, which was not my intent. My comment was merely on the quality of the water. It's my opinion that when I touch the fish only in the mouth and only with one hand I am handling the fish more safely than anyone who uses any kind of net and I believe "science" supports this opinion, but I understand if you disagree. Regardless, I am proud to know both of you and support your opinions. The fact of the matter is that we are granted dominion over all manner of beasts and that is the law in every state of the Union. Unfortunately, I see a significant percentage of fisherman who abuse that legal right and act without respect for fish, other fishermen, or the earth. I hope you can understand that we (you, I, and everyone that has responded, I think) share the same principles and I hope you'll try to understand and respect the fact that we approach those ideologies differently. We can't force others to practice catch and release because killing and eating these fish is both legally and morally acceptable. Catch and release is not a higher moral ground. It's only a personal opinion.
  14. I understand your logic and applaud your care and consideration, but you are aware that we can kill and eat them? Not trying to be a smart-aleck, but if I choose to lip a bass and keep it out of the water for 90 seconds to weigh and take a selfie, it's got a hella better chance than any walleye I catch. I'm not knocking what you choose to do in any way, I'm merely responding to your question. And as for the "bath of fungi, bacteria, parasites, and viruses" they are living in the same water that I ski, swim, and drink and they are much better suited to surviving it than I am. I guess what I'm saying is I just don't feel it's quite a dangerous for them as you feel it is. God made us a hardy lot and he is infallible. Again, you are living your life according to your beliefs and I support it. My wife loves it when I send her the big fish selfies. She keeps a slideshow of them running on her work computer. I'll be sending more.
  15. Lookin' skinny after winter!
  16. Very true. I know a very large number of guys that do their own reloading for this reason.
  17. I have to say that everyone is throwing out "ideal" cartridges for specific game but not mentioning the circumstances. This is like asking what lure I'm throwing without asking what the season, water temp, clarity, and conditions were. Are you saying you are picking a cartridge to hunt this animal in a game preserve in Tennessee which is completely forest and a 50 yard shot for a Dall sheep? Because you won't be using a .300 Win Mag. If you are hunting a Dall in their home, however, you will be using a .300 Win Mag. Are you baiting the coyotes? Because you can use a 5.56 or a 12 ga for that matter. Are you hunting them in open fields near my house after the beans have been harvested? You'll want a .22-250. I'm just saying that the circumstances dictate your choice as much or more than the game. I don't want to know what lure you're using until I know the conditions your fishing in. Same with hunting.
  18. Slow movers (vibrating jig/toad) early pre-spawn, movers (cranks/spinners) pre-spawn, and exactly what @PBBrandonsaid when they hit the beds.
  19. Solid guy. Try to find that in the NBA.
  20. Poison Adrena / ONE LEFT. I was going to buy the 7'3 MH. I've exerted superhuman willpower and I took it out of my cart. Important note: It says $299. Nope. Put it in the cart and it goes down to $270 with $20 shipping. You're welcome. https://www.southernreeloutfitters.com/products/shimano-poison-adrena-casting-rods?variant=39335479377955
  21. Wife and I might take a July vacation to Wausau. Looking at a rental on the river. It seems like that’s a small section between locks. Is it worth taking the boat in July just to fish the immediate area around Wausau? It’s not a fishing trip so I’ll probably only get a few hours once or twice to fish. Anyone with experience fishing that section?
  22. Ok. I've got an idea of where you're located. Don't hesitate to try Banner Marsh. Especially if you get a kayak or jon boat. You may be able to bank fish at Spring Lake and that's got good bass. I heard that Powerton got flooded out and dumped into the river some years back and hasn't recovered, but I have no first-hand knowledge of that.
  23. Welcome! I'm in the same area. Have any favorite lakes?
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