I think yes and know to this question. Yes for when I trout fish in PA. A lot of streams that were gems in the day made it into magazines and Tv shows. This has brought crowds from multiple states to fish them. A lot more property has been posted since I was young and fished with my father. The name of the game seems to be to buy property and post it when it comes to streams in PA.
On the flip side, the state recognizes this and tries to boost the populations of fish and regulate the fishing as best they can. Streams that I never dreamed of having fish are being rehabbed by trout unlimited, liming basins installed, and now have populations of brown trout. They are even trying to buy access for fisherman. With limited budget they do with what they can. My hats off to them for the impossible job they have sometimes.
I can also remember a time when I could go to the boat ramp or river access and not have to worry about fighting with some needle pushing junkie ticked I am telling him to move his car and leave the boat ramp. It gets old. Very old. I pull into our ramps now expecting issues from people.
As far as fishing in itself goes, we have great well equipped kayaks. New top of the line gear available, all kinds of fishing lures and techniques out their, so I guess it does even out. I also know more about fishing now then I ever did from experience and learning off of sources like this forum. We are also able to educate more people on proper catch and release, selective harvest, and able to just get more people involved in the sport which is a huge plus.