I was banging banks early Sunday morning when behind me I could hear what almost sounded like a downpour. I turned around and what I saw was a beautiful sight. Schools of bass had simultaneously attacked three separate shad schools that were about 50 feet apart in around 30 feet of water. It was pretty incredible, I've seen bass attack shad before but never three schools at once. I reeled in and paddled over there as quickly as possible. I don't know how many bass I saw coming out of the water but it had to be close to a hundred. By the time I got there, the feeding frenzy had already ended but I tied on a lipless crank to see if I could find one. Find one I did, and another, and another, these spots were mad and hitting my crank within seconds of it hitting the water on every cast. The 6th fish broke my line, probably got a kink, my fault for not checking the line because of the frenzy. Tied on a lucky craft pointer, caught close to ten more before the school moved off. Oh yeah, make sure to change the hooks on those pointers, I had two hook tips completely broken off and ALL the other ones were bent.
I've caught a few spots in this lake, but I didn't realize until now there were so many! Fishing was pretty slow up until that point. Thank you giant spot school for a good morning on the water.