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98 Elite 203

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About 98 Elite 203

  • Birthday 11/20/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Round Lake, NY
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Round Lake, paradox lake

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    Andrew Wager

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  1. Me and Mark K went up to my favorite Adirondack lake, which I assume was our last trip up there for the year, given the weather conditions we have coming. The upper lake was turning over, and after fishing it for 2 hours with only one bite, we decided to go down into the big lake to see those conditions. The water was much cleaner and we started catching fish right away, although bass were hard to come by. I go over to a deeper bank section that I like, that goes into a shallow flat. The wind was going at this time, and this was the windy side of the lake. We get up to about 4-6' of water where there are scattered boulders/wood and weeds. Right away, Mark lands the biggest bass of the day on a Jerkbait. She was 5lbs 8oz's. Within 2 casts later, I hook into a fish on my tiny lucky craft 1.5 square bill.... At first I just thought it was a bass. I put my talons down so we didn't get blown around with the wind before I got this fish in....and then all of a sudden the fish starts burning off, with power. I knew right away it wasn't a bass. I had to put my talons up quickly because she was power housing through the weeds and I was worried my line was going to break (only 12lb flouro). After a minute or two of her burning drag, I finally got to see her....and she was gigantic. Mark goes and gets the net, but I am not prepared on my boat for a fish of this size...so we just had a bass net. I tell mark that we are going to haft get her head first, and then try to flip her into the boat before she falls out because half of her body will be hanging out of the net....she comes around and goes head first into the net, and my square bill comes out! So now this giant Pike is only halfway in the net, and is about to fall out of it at any second. Me and mark hurry up and flip her into the beat, and I literally jump onto of her and bear hug her to keep her from flipping back into the lake before she calms down. At this point, we can't believe how big this fish was, and its location of where we caught it. Sadly, I do not have a tape measure on my boat big enough. We had to estimate which we came out to 41-42" but she seemed bigger then that to me. This is my 3rd pike well over 40" this season. Maybe I will retire from bass fishing, and hunt these things! Estimated weight is well over 20lbs.I had mark record a quick video, because pictures don't show her actual size.https://youtu.be/rxVCx7Y1wlo I will post some pictures of the 45" northern I got during the summer, that was my biggest northern Prior to this one...
  2. Tried the update, with the file renamed. Unit still wouldn't turn on. Guess it's a lost cause at this point. Thanks for all the help.
  3. ok thank you. Does the file need to be the only thing on the SD card or can I download the file to my SD card that I have some mapping saved on?
  4. The 4.1 software was the latest software my hds 10 had on it. It was up to date. Will this get me anywhere trying to re-install the same software?
  5. Thanks. I will try it. how does his work if the unit won't turn on to begin with tho?
  6. Could you explain to me how to do that? I looked on the lowrance site and there are no more software downloads for gen 1 units listed.
  7. Round is 330 acres actually. and yes, it's too much.
  8. I haven't contacted them yet but it's not as old as stated above. THe manufactured and inspection date inside the unit said it was made in September 2010. i just put two 12' talons on my boat and a in dash hds 7 touch....really didn't want to do a new unit upgrade yet.
  9. My HDS 10 gen 1 randomly shut down on me during a tournament last saturday. It just turned off, and won't turn back on. I tried my HDS 8 on the same power cable after, and my HDS 8 powered right up....so that rules out a blown fuse. I tried a soft reset and a hard reset...no luck. Opened the unit up to see if maybe a ribbon connector came unplugged and everything looks good. I have no idea what happened but its useless at the moment, and I have only had it one year and I am the second owner. Kind of off to a bad start for my first tournament of the year. does anyone know of anyone that fixes them?
  10. I grew up in round lake. Actually, my parents still live in town and so doesn't my grandmother, who is on the town board. Its where I grew up fishing... I can't stand that new launch. They ruined that lake 10 times over. I never fish the banks. Only in the spring. You get the numbers at the banks, but the quality that lake has is not there. You might hate me if you saw all my big fish pictures from there, including a 9.2 and 10.6lb largemouth. everyone is on a kayak now at that place. and if you are interested, I filmed a show with Mike D on "Lunkerville" last year. I didn't want to do round lake or ballston because they are special places to me so I brought him to Paradox lake.
  11. Haha well glad you liked the episode. Hammered on them was a under statement. Probably atleast 15 fish didn't make it through editing. I caught over 35 bass that day in 10 hours of filming. Mikey got 3. and since Francho brought up my Tuesdays Catch....
  12. I figured now was a good time for me to become a member... thanks for the very kind words Francho. i noticed you only have the part 2 episode posted, the first part can be seen here... for some reason they deleted the video and then uploaded it again just recently.
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