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About Gond

  • Birthday April 4

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Indiana
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    White River
  • Other Interests
    Firearms, Animals

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  • About Me
    "What is this you're doing?" "The elevator dance." "Elevator dance?" "Yeah, there's no steps to it."

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  1. I have purchased a Titan 10.5 but I haven't had the chance to get out on the water yet. Hopefully this weekend.
  2. Hey all! I am looking for suggestions for your favorite spot to fish and camp. I have the first week of April off work and nothing to do. I have a kayak and am going to go somewhere by myself for the whole week. I am in central Indiana and won't mind driving 4-5 hours. Any suggestions? I have considered going to up Mississinewa or Racoon Lake but am open to any thoughts you may have.
  3. Hey Hoosiers! I am looking for a place to demo kayaks before I buy one for this fishing season. I plan to spend between 2 and 4k so I can't buy without trying. I am in Hamilton county (just north of indy) but I would be willing to drive. The only one I know of right now is in Bristol Indiana which is a 2+ hour drive for me. I would like to find someone closer. Any help would be appreciated!
  4. Wow I am in this same position as you. Waiting on tax money and considering the titan 10.5 or pa 12. I would also consider the titan 12 or 13.5. I have not tested any of them. I am not sure there is a place near me (Indiana) where I can demo. I am leaning towards the titan 10.5 because I think there is just enough room for me (6' 250lb), fishing gear, cooler, and my cocker spaniel. All others would have room to spare so i am not sure they are worth it. I had a perception pescador last year and vowed I would buy a pedal kayak this year. i will be following your decision with great interest!
  5. I don't think I would eat one. I was just having some fun. After some googling creek chub I agree that is what they were. Thanks for all the replies!
  6. Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I am still learning my way around. I was fishing in a small creek on my grandparents property in central Indiana. This creek feeds Cicero Creek then in to Morse Reservoir. I was hoping for some pan fish but all I caught was these little guys and I don't know what they are. The largest one I caught was around 6 inches. Can anyone identify it or point me to the right resource to identify it. All of the resources I found only list the popular sport and eating fish around. Any help would be much appreciated. see more pics with link below. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3WHi1WfPl1udUFTTDAtWmkzZVU?usp=sharing
  7. Nice write up Lonnie! i am currently trying to determine two things about these boats. Is it worth it for my area. and if so Bass Raider 10e or Sun Dolphin Sportsman. I only have a handful of electric only lakes/ponds within an "after work" driving distance. There are 3 1500-1800 acre reservoirs within that driving distance though. Do you all think that one of these is too small to explore some of these reservoirs? Or should I just keep saving for a 16-20ft jon boat? If the plastic boat becomes the option then I fish alone or with my dog (22lbs) 99% of the time. Is it worth the extra $200 to get the 10e over the Sportsman? Also are they similar in stability or is one more stable?
  8. I will check it out. Thanks!
  9. Gond


    I have been reading a lot on here for months. Just now decided to join when I realized I am addicted to this sport and it isn't going to be a phase.
  10. I have caught nothing over a pound at Boones. I see big ones but have yet to catch them. I got a kayak about a month ago and I have three problems with it. 1. Sitting is too low to be accurate when casting. 2. Standing is doable but not comfortable for me. (I even built outrigger floats to stabilize it) 3. I can't take my dog. I am going to continue to use it but I want to try something else. Just not sure the area has the waters to support the small boat. I have been eyeing these neighborhood ponds all over Carmel, Noblesville and Westfield. I'm sure they all have fish but I don't know anyone one lol.
  11. I read a lot of that thread. It is huge though. I will keep picking through it.
  12. Hi all. Hope it is ok to change the subject. I am new to bass fishing and new to this forum. I live in northern hamilton county (one county north of indianapolis). I am considering buying one of those small plastic 2 man boats that are powered with a trolling motor so I can get off the shoreline. What I can't determine is if there are enough waters that aren't to big within a reasonable driving distance (60 minutes or so) that I could fish. I understand these little boat are best for ponds and small lakes. Closest bodies of water to me are Morse, Geist, and Eagle Creek reservoirs. I could be wrong but these seem like they might be too big for such a tiny boat. I don't mind fishing close to the ramp but don't want to be annoyed or put in danger by bigger boats. The only other spots that I am aware of that would be ideal for these boats are Westwood which is almost 90 minutes away and Boones Pond which is only 30 minutes away. Do any of you have suggestions for other good waters for small boats or experience with these on larger waters?
  13. Gond


    Hi there. Just started fishing again after a 20+ year break. I fished for panfish and catfish as a kid. Now I am aiming at bass. I am from central Indiana and I started at the beginning of April. I am still trying to figure a lot of things out but I am having a blast! Thanks!
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