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Everything posted by ohboyitsrobby

  1. I've lost one by an ounce and big bass by 2 in the same tournament.
  2. Thank you. I mean between being out WAY past bed time, whacking bass and playing in the rain what more does a 4 year old have to look forward too. Lol
  3. Got his first victory in the Friday night derby. 3 fish limit for 6lbs and big bass 3 lbs 3oz. Had to get off the water an hour early cuz it looked like it was gonna storm. It didn't until weigh in. He woke up the ole lady and my brother with a phone call stating we'd just won the bass pro shops tournament lol
  4. Way to go Nolan. All you can ask for in tournament fishing is a chance. And you more than did that. I'm sure this won't be the last time the fishing world here's your name.
  5. Oh man, I haven't been able to really keep up today because of work. Makes me wish I'd have called in sick to watch. What a young man!!! His weights get bigger every day as the pressure gets higher. That's what separates great fisherman from good ones. KEEP IT UP NOLAN!!!!!!
  6. And.....he moves on. Way to go!!!! One step away from the classic. We're all too proud.
  7. I've watched the past 20-30 minutes. He's up by around a pound now. I had to quit watching. Made me nervous lol
  8. To me it looks like a bomber fat free shad. Can't think of which one exactly
  9. For sure night time. I throw a 7/8 oz war eagle spoon a lot also.
  10. It doesn't really matter where he finishes as long as he beats the guy he's fishing against.
  11. Clent Davis finally figured out the offshore bite and weighed in 17+ to take the prize.
  12. Nope no one lit it up. Which is crazy to me cuz there's schools of offshore fish that easily hold a 10 lb limit a day if not 14+. They can be finicky and don't start buying till 2 or so but they were there a week ago. Had to be the rain
  13. Spoiler alert the cup next year is back on Ouachita
  14. I just watched it too. What's up with the no on the water love? There was only 12 boats out that day. You'd figure all the teams would've gotten a little coverage. That's OK though, you got to flash the big smile at the end!!
  15. Lebrun is a good story. I was surprised the weights were so low. The rain had more effect than I was expecting. Someone will light it up tomorrow I imagine.
  16. Some of those 0's have to be from fisherman fishing out of cell service. Following that heavy rain it was bound to be tough. I also feel like there's a couple spots being left alone that are real productive after 12-1 o'clock. Not spots you can win from but catch a solid limit that'd have you fishing Sunday. A couple of them you can see from my ole lady's work and no one is on them.
  17. So I'm cheering for a guy named John Soukup out of ada Oklahoma. I've met him a few times now and he's a really cool guy. Plus he's a Garmin and falcon guy like myself. Unlike him I pay full price for mine lol.
  18. As part of dicks flash sale you can get a lews speed spool lfs for $70. That's $30 off regular price
  19. RAIN RAIN AND MORE RAIN!!!! Gonna change things up quite a bit. Niggemeyer and stoafer stopped at my ole ladies marina yesterday to get out of the storm. Both said it's gonna be tough.
  20. I think it's gonna be a little more open this year but we'll see. I don't know that someone will win just fishing shallow. The offshore bite is really starting to pick up. Plus the lake got real low last year and then stayed high a long time so the grass on the east end of the lake is off a little bit. We'll just have to wait and see. I believe it'll take somewhere around 45 to win. Someone will catch 18 or so once just don't know that it's a sustainable weight to catch every day. I'll probably go on the water a couple days and be at the expo every day. I'm excited
  21. Forest Wood cups this upcoming week in my backyard. Who's everyone's favorite to win?? I've done quite a bit of fishing the past couple weeks and see a couple different thoughts to be successful. Scott Martin is always good here. Has family that lives here and experience. Mark Rose is up there too. It's gonna be a fun tournament.
  22. UFC announced today McGregor vs Nurmagomedov at 229. I will for sure be purchasing that one
  23. I fish 3-4 days a week. The amount of time spent on a trip varies. But I usually get 1 good 5-6 hour trip and the rest an hour or so. I'm lucky to work within shouting distance of a boat ramp and live 150 from a small river. At least once a week I get the boy and we go out and do a lil fishing and a lil swimming.
  24. Yeah they booked it. If costa let's Romero hit him like Uriah Hall did he's going to sleep. Probably in an extremely violent manner
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