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Everything posted by ohboyitsrobby

  1. I would've did the same thing you did. It's a tournament you were trying to win. You weren't casting over or around him.
  2. Our lights were for sure on. We never turn them off. If the bugs ever get too bad while fishing i hang my hat over the stern light and I had my hat on so I know it was uncovered.
  3. I would think someone would go with him unless him going is a non-basketball related decision. I don't see the Lakers depleting themselves of assets a to get kawhi when he's made it obvious that's where he wants to be after next season but we shall see.
  4. I have a horn in my boat along with one of those Stanley spotlights that sit beside me after it gets dark. I'd be lying to you if I said I knew if my partner did. I'm sure he does because it's the law but I've never seen it and theres a lot of stuff to look under and in to find it. We did talk to the other boater last night and he said he was going 40ish also and reiterated that he never saw us. He took responsibility. I don't know who's fault it was. I do know that my wife has informed me when she sees them they're both gonna be informed of how stupid they are. She don't care who's to blame. Just that something bad about happened.
  5. 1st pic is the starting lineup for tonight. from left to right. 7'4 mh fast st croix ltb with a 7.3:1 pflueger trion, lews David fritts perfect crank 7'6 mh, falcon lowrider 7' Mansfield special m/m, falcon cara t7 7'3 mh with a bps formula 6.8:1, st croix mojo 7'1 mh/f with a pinnacle solene 7:1, and a daiwa laguna 6'6" medium fast with a Browning superlight. 2nd pic is everything else
  6. I'm assuming here because I wasn't driving but I believe my boater was trying to leave the wide side of the lake open as we approached each other. And as we got closer he realised that they were veering slightly that way. Then when we went right the other boat like we should have to begin with, that they veered that way away from the bank side. To me the worst part once I realised I was ok was the other boater admitting he never saw us until we drenched them. What may in the whole grand scheme of thing was I was the only one of the 3 with a life jacket on.
  7. Man, we were fishing a night tournament last night and things got hairy. We were running about 45 headed from one spot to another and there were a few boats in the area. So as we're running we see a boat headed our way so we turned left to go past and they turned left a little so we turned right to go around. Guess what?? They started drifting right a little. Thinking they would see a 21 foot white skeeter with our light on. We straigtened up and the other boat again just kept coming at us. About 50 yards away maybe closer it became obvious something awful was about to happen so my partner just jerked left and we did a 45 mph donut on the water. I ended up in his lap and soaking wet but we missed the other boat. Thank God. We chased the ppl down and it so happened to be a real good friend of ours who was real shaken and wet like us. He was apologising like crazy and said he never saw us. With everyone soaking wet and real shook up we parted ways. Then I got to thinking about my son and wife and how close they were to losing me and I'm pretty shook up. So to all y'all guys gonna be out these holiday weekends coming up be careful.
  8. Rod for sure. My rod collection is far superior to the reels I own. I have quite a few budget reels that have held up a couple hard seasons well. I gotta be able to feel the bite and get the hook set before I even have to worry about my reel.
  9. Lowrider 6'10 mh fast with a lews laser mg 7.1:1 gift from the significant other for father's day ???
  10. I've only been hooked once. I was 10 and got a rebel wee craw right in the shoulder. 2 hooks. Momma was not a braid trick or push it through person. So off to the clinic we went. And our camping trip was officially over ? I did have a buddy do this last year though yuck
  11. I'd probably start at that brushpile on the ledge you were talking about to try and catch a big one with a big worm or jig. Offshore brushpiles are one of my favorite things to fish at night.
  12. I don't think greers is the dead sea. It's just different. When I was there in May I ran up the middle fork and caught mine cranking a dt16. My theory then having never been there was find skinny water and cover it. Right now I'd probably find some main lake humps down past the narrows in 15-25 foot and dropshot. I have 2 trains of thoughts though. A) is if you find the baitfish there's usually fish you just gotta figure out how to make em bite. B.) there's usually fish up the tributaries in schools, you just gotta figure out the spot that has a difference in depth or bottom makeup that'll hold em.
  13. If I'm solo I'll go try new places and techniques. If my son is with me.... we go swimming of course.
  14. Crankbaits, there's good frogging water on my lake too I just haven't fished a frog enough to have confidence in one.
  15. This one. Breaking fish that won't bite is the most frustrating thing ever. This lure usually cures that plus the fish don't see it much around here.
  16. Probably 70/30 casting gear. I'd prefer to throw casting gear all the time but sometimes you just gotta throw what gets bit and that sometimes requires spinning gear.
  17. I really like falcon. I have a few lowriders, a cara t7 and a buccoo sr and they're all really good sticks. I have a digit after 7 blackout I bought cuz I needed a cheap rod fast and even with all the horrible reviews my expectations have far been exceeded.
  18. I'm one of the world's best at losing lures. Rather it be $7-8 crankbaits or a weight, hook and worm. I'm ok with it though cuz a lot of the times I know that means I'm in an area that at least has fish holding cover. It's fishing. It's just part of it to me.
  19. I use everything from squarebills to 5 xds around stumps, standing timber and brush piles. Do i lose more crankbaits than most people? Probably. But I also catch a lot of fish this way. Especially running a 3-5xd through deeper brush. Either ticking the top or running it in and letting it float back out( which doesn't always work).
  20. Yep probably a low battery. I had that same thing happen on my echomap 73dv a couple weeks ago. Somewhere on the right hand side of your display it should tell you how many volts you're getting. Mine was reading about 7 which made it fairly obvious what the issue was.
  21. Reels- lews, shimano, pflueger. Rods- falcon, st Croix and the number above 12
  22. Every tap is different for me. On the creek behind my house the rat-a-tat-tat is almost guaranteed to be a bluegill. So I let it swim and then swing and still get nothing quite a bit. On the lake it's a lil different but I always swing for the fences there. Caught quite a few 4-5 lbers that just double tapped it. Especially when I'm fishing brush piles at night. Cuz if it's a bass I gotta get it up outta there can't afford to let one just swim you around in brush
  23. Very good episode. Kriet is allergic to sealing the deal. Gotta feel bad for the guy. It was fun watching Klein come from way back though.
  24. From what I've seen and heard, no he doesn't neccessarily make good rods. But I'm not bashing just my experience. Getting rid of him would be almost impossible being as mlf was his idea and he's a part owner
  25. I have a echomap 93sv. I also paid $600 for mine on black friday. If you can get it for that price it can't be beat in my opinion. The maps and 2d sonar are fantastic especially since the maps are preloaded with no extra money spent on cards and quickdraw is really handy. The downview and sideview are serviceable. Are they as good as humminbirds mega imaging? No but they work
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