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Everything posted by ohboyitsrobby

  1. I LUH U MICHAEL lol that man's voice is not what u expect
  2. Redbug on a Carolina rig
  3. It's an old saltwater boy howdy. I have a couple freshwater ones also. The local bass elite series angler said that's the only saltwater one he's ever saw then commenced to ask where I could get more lol. It's works a lot like a walking bait just plunges a few inches under the water
  4. My garmins play a vital role in my fishing. Today for example I was idling a hump and came across quite a few holding tight to the bottom. Dropped the drop shot and caught my pb drop shot largemouth. I fish quite a bit offshore so my maps and sonar come into play a lot. Only time they really don't is when I'm throwing something at isolated bank cover
  5. I've been a Faber fan since forever. Way back in the wec on versus days.i believe their story more than dillashaw also.
  6. Maybe. My son's been on a pretty good dirt car rant since we went to the sprint cars 4th of July weekend. The late models are coming so we may do that. I hope garbrandt ko's dillashaw too. I also hope mighty mouse loses but that's probably not gonna happen. I'm not a Gustafson fan. He runs a lot and get praised for great footwork. When some other fighters do it they're avoiding the fight. Plus he's lost every big fight he's been in but clamoring for another shot.
  7. Hunting and basketball are my 2 favorite other hobbies. I am a huge MMA fan. Remember Royce Gracie winning UFC 1. Now I try and follow everything from LFA to UFC. When I'm not fishing during the summer on weekend nights I can be found in my recliner with a Coors light screaming at the TV. I also really enjoy dirt track racing. And anything related to my Arkansas razorbacks WPS!!!
  8. I'm almost exclusively a catch and release guy. Only time I ever keep a largemouth I when it's not gonna make it. I will keep some Kentucky's here and there but my home lake is bad overpopulated. Now crappie and walleye, their last mistake was to bite. I never keep over my limit.
  9. That's the question I was gonna ask also
  10. I'd take 16 lbs every tournament I've ever fished. Would it win every time?? No. But it'd be competitive. As I've gotten older and basketball has started to pass me by I've had to find some other form of competition. And tournament fishing has filled that void.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Wish you luck on your search.
  12. That's awesome!!!!!!
  13. Would the warranty be void since you cut and spliced the plug on a brand new trolling motor? I'm a short cut taking guy by definition but I probably would've avoided doing that.
  14. One of the best things about having a significant other who's manager of a marina is when the water tanks aren't rented they're free.
  15. I fish a sunken boat and an old house slab. Don't know that I've ever fished random household appliances
  16. Oh man. A big redfish and a giant musky would probably be the 2 at the top of my list
  17. Yes that would be the member I was referring to.
  18. I vote for a certain youngster who attends school in Morgantown West Virginia.
  19. I suppose it depends. If I'm fishing the bank first and they pull up where they can see that I'm fishing first I'm staying put. Other than that I'll slide out of the way.
  20. I suppose it'd be dragging a Carolina rig. It's the only thing that I have tied on and on the deck of my boat year round( except at night when I keep the rods on the deck to a minimum.) I feel I can catch fish on any body of water any time of year with it. And that's what it's all about.
  21. I throw a plum apple ol monster and a cranberry yum 10" ribbontail. Its gotten lately where my partner and I throw a plum apple zoom mag 2 cuz the fish have seen so many big worms.
  22. The wacky rig is my favorite. But my most productive is a dropshot. And I use a shaky head the most.
  23. Wanted to fish a tournament with daddy so I took him to the $20 entry fee Friday night derby. Ole ned came through for him. Only time the lure touched the bottom all evening I'm pretty sure. Lol
  24. I'm just throwing this out there but catt is on the shortlist of most respected members so I seriously doubt he's trolling.
  25. I trust the driver of the boat more than anyone else I've been on the water with my entire life. And above being the driver that evening and my team partner most tournaments he's my friend. Did he possibly make a mistake that night? Maybe. But as stated a little bit above the rules don't always apply. Could we have followed the proper rules that night and nothing happened? Possibly or we could've had another boat in our boat. You just don't know what other ppl are gonna do. What I do know was when a decision had to be made he did what he thought had to be done and I trust his decision. I didn't share my experience for people to call others idiots or fools. At one point or another we've all done something stupid. It was just a cautionary tale. Especially with the upcoming holiday with its drunks out and ppl sitting stationary in the middle of the lake with no lights on. Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe independence day.
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