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  1. Thanks. Interesting pair. I like it. I know that took a lot of thinking and time. I'm gonna try that out. I need to change some line out.
  2. Hello all! I have some rods and reels I use and was wondering how you would pair them to make a combo for maximum effectiveness. I know this will require a long answer so I will number the reels and use letters for the rods so you can use those instead of the model numbers. A. Shimano Antares DC 7:1 B. Lews BB-1 7:1 C. Alderbaren 7:1 D. Quantum Smoke Spin 2500 type E. Shimano 2500 Spin CI4 F. *** 7:1 G. Metanium D.C. 7:1 Rods 1. Dobyn's 701 Spinning 2. Dobyn's 734CH 3. Dobyns 735CH 4. Powell Max 3D 753 5. Shimano Crucial 6'6" 6. G Loomis 6'6" jw.. What reel goes best w each rod in your opinion? Make a single combo like E1 or do all or none I'm trying to tweek my tools here. Line etc is also sweet. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello! I'm Kevin from Mobile AL. Nice to be a part of the forum. I'm always interested in sharing my questions and learning from you all. I primarily fish the rivers here and Big Creek Lake. I will be starting a new topic of paring my rods and reels for best performance...please search "making combos"
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