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Everything posted by NiX

  1. Thanks for the well thought out post primetime.
  2. For me water temps are in low 80's high 70's early morning, by 10 am its too hot for me and I head home. It's usally about 90+by 9am-10am here, I am in Sacramento, CA. I'll throw topwater early morning, if that isn't working I start working a jig fast through areas. The higher the sun gets the closer I get to cover. Tight lines, Good luck!
  3. Interesting info, I am mainly using it to fish my main lakes. I don't do much pond fishing. Mayne i should start ? Nice youtube video I had seen that while back and forgot about it. Thanks for info! I'll check out that website angus.
  4. I have just recently started using Google Earth to locate fishing spots. ( I am a bank fisherman ) For those that do use it, what are some tips or suggestions you think I should be doing while using Google Earth? So far the only thing I do is use the previous dated pictures to see the waters when it was extremely low and find under water structure. I then pin these areas and then head out and try the spots out. I don't really know if there is anything else I can do with the application.
  5. I checked my tracking info today, it's on the way. How about yours OP?
  6. Well you did order on Saturday... I would give it one more day and then be concerned. I also placed an order on Saturday and I am waiting for tracking info still.
  7. Wow big fish, nice catches man, I still haven't caught anything with the flukes. Hopefully you CnR so they can get bigger!
  8. Wow, these backlashes are horrible... I hardly get any backlashes that look like some of these pics and I run close to a free spool and low as I can go on my brakes! When I do get a backlash its usually not that bad to get out haha. My most recent I was fishing under a low hanging tree ( from the bank ) and went to cast but I hit the tree above me. Next time I will take a pic of my backlash!
  9. I think you will be perfectly fine with that combo. Better than what I am using haha!
  10. 7' Medium-Heavy, Fast action rod is a nice jack of all trades type you can use for a baitcasting setup... i throw weightless senkos on mine... Since you are getting into it im giessing your using a spinning rod. I use an old spinning rod myself, a medium-light fast action 2 piece and some old quantum reel, 6'6" long. AREAS I would pick coves, close to dams, mouths of creeks, and throw at cover. I've always been told to look for breaklines in terrain, structure, or shade. All things depend on conditions. Start off worming, i think its one of the best beginner lures! Good luck.
  11. I can confirm that the water level is close to full, I have been fishing from the bank pretty often this year. I have never looked at the fish-n-maps but I have had luck up the north and south fork arms. Beals point has tons of flooded willows to hit. Folsom point near Morman Island is a nice little rip-rap area to hit. Also at Folsom Point there is a good submerged island at the moment that has produced a lot of fish. Beaks Bite can be ok, I have only caught little guys around beaks, but there is some pretty good points to hit around it. I am sure you will be able to find plenty of fish, there is a lot of cover you will be able to fish. That map will most likely be perfect for underwater structure and what ever else it shows you. Good Luck!
  12. ATM I have been jigging and weightless worms. I am going to definitely pick up some shaky heads and work it.... I already keep that very slow movement and dead sticking for ridiculous amount of time ( it works well ). It's always good to add more weapons to the arsenal!
  13. Awesome thread going on here, I haven't used Shaky Heads yet. Is there a certain type I should pick up for being a "beginner" with shaky heads? If not I will just go with what ever I see next time I buy some tackle!
  14. When I would wear tennis shoes I would avoid getting in water. I would ducktape the laces and my ankles so I wouldn't get stickers and what ever else all over me. I have Hiking Boots I wear when the weather isn't too hot. Lately it has been getting warmer though so I went back to the tennis shoes that I don't care about.
  15. Heavy Deluxe explained it perfectly. I have gotten the bite on the drop, dragging, hopping back, swimming back. all of the bites have been normal, I can't wait to have my rod jerked in my hands! I have missed plenty of bites by not paying attention though that is for sure. I have set the hook on branches and logs plenty though and have probably lost more lures this season than ever before because like previous comment said. You are throwing at those lay downs and structure, you're bound to get a snag. When you're on the bank you can't go on the other side and free the snag like you can on a boat or other watercraft.
  16. Well being new you're gonna be setting the hook on what you think is fish but actually logs or some type of underwater structure and getting snagged. When you're working from the bank it's harder to release that snag. I am fairly new to jig fishing and have gone through many jigs. I have definitely gotten better at releasing and avoiding snags though. I don't lose my jigs as often anymore.
  17. If that $15 is gonna be a hassle you're probably gonna want to fish something else. I am assuming you're gonna be bank fishing since below legal work age? If that is the case, and you are new to jig fishing, you will be losing a lot of jigs.
  18. I just started jig fishing this year. I've used them before but never caught anything on them. This year I decided to stick it out and I have been throwing it every time I am out. I've been pulling in nice size bass, biggest was 5lb. I am thinking about buying the Dredge pack in 1/2oz and 3/8oz, going to place order as soon as I can.
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