The Ugly Stik Combo isn't the problem. Honestly I would wait to upgrade your combo until you start pulling in some more fish. The senko is a great rig, how exactly are you throwing it? What are you throwing it at and what are the conditions? Give us a little more info.
Use 8-10lb Fluorocarbon and try wacky rigging your senko if you can do so without getting snagged up in what ever you are fishing. If you are pulling through grass, weightless T-rig should be fine. Myself, I never throw a senko with a bullet weight.
For example, I have a friend who didn't want to spend an arm and a leg on his fishing combo so he spent $50 on the Ugly Stik combo from Wally World. He caught his PB this year, 6lb 8oz...
I see A-Jay said to use the braid to leader combo, I think that's the best to do also. You are new though and I think a braid to leader combo can lead to more of a hassle when starting out, 10lb mono main line would be the cheapest route IMO. Using the fluorocarbon I think would give you a better chance to catch something though! My 2 cents Good Luck.