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Everything posted by GoHeels

  1. Thanks guys!
  2. Hows it going guys! Yesterday, we were at Jordan Lake and I caught my first 10lb Bass with the infamous black and blue jig I thought I come here and share the photo. Im pretty excited... if you cant tell.. LOL What an experience.
  3. Hey Guys, Morning time and late evening times I have decent success. It's those times during the day when its hot, you're on the boat casting and all you can think about is jumping in the water to cool down, that I have almost zero success. Whats the best bait to use and what areas am I looking for? I understand that Bass seek deeper waters and cover... I just cant catch a fish in the middle of the day. The father-n-law always resorts to the plastic worm but has very limited luck. Any advice would be appreciated.
  4. How's it going man! Welcome to the forums. Fairly new myself and Bass Resource is the place to be.
  5. How's it going guys! I was able to sneak a little fishing in early this morning before work Nothing like setting the hook! Get-R-Done!
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  6. WOW! With a catch like that, I would probably face any boat traffic LOL! Nice catch man. Really nice. Well, I said I wasn't going to try but the father-n-law and I said what the heck. So we went out late this afternoon into the early night. We were lucky to have left when we did. Storm came up in a hurry but it was nice. Left the Triton home and took the 18' out for the first time since we gave it an overhaul. The running lights we installed were great! I see more night fishing on the horizon
  7. I came across this hilarious fishing meme. This guy is showing you it can be done if the wife challenges you with fishing and baby. Mental Note: There's always a way to go fishing Good stuff.. HaHa
  8. So did anyone decide to take the challenge on today out on the lake? We decided to not take the boat out due to the nightmare of traffic on the water the past two years. I think the older I get, the less patience I have with the skiers, tubers, etc. LOL Looks like it will be a day on the grill and I'll probably burn some food up due to me day dreaming of me being out on the water If you went, share the 2017 Memorial Day fishing experience
  9. Looks like you had the right bait already on the line Nice catch!
  10. Ive been on a roll "at the pond" the past three days guys. Just hauled this one in about 2 hours ago. Almost 5lbs Now if I can catch them on the lake tomorrow like this
  11. Thanks Glenn! Like to say, you guys have done a great job here. Keep up the work
  12. GoHeels

    Bass Fishing - Jordan Lake, NC

    The father-n-law and I hit the Lake all the time and this was a fun trip on this day! We had one of those fishing days where everything went right.
  13. Had the day off and decided to hit the pond by the house and had a ton of fun. I didn't catch the whopper but the bites were in full effect. Pop-R bait and two separate fish btw Just ignore the corny cheesing in the selfie. I was just having some good 'ol fashion bass fishing fun at the pond
  14. Ive always been a huge fan of the spinnerbait king/kid.. KVD and it's probably the most exciting bait for me personally due to the versatility of it. So it's always good to see a well documented video of how to use it. Additional learning tips and things you might have forgot. Nice job Glenn!
  15. GoHeels


  16. Those are the best times! Like that hat btw... Go Heels!
  17. We had a tourney this past weekend and the pop-r lure (shad color) was a success for me. This was Lake fishing and the water was semi clear with water temperature between 65 and 70 degrees (according to depth finder). I was getting strikes all the way up to lunch time. We came up to a bridge with concrete pillars and we positioned ourselves on the trailing ending of the small current. Ended up catching 3 large mouth bass (8.2 lbs total) and lost a solid 4lb+ due to a bent hook (assuming this after observing the lure).. I was sick to my stomach but catching others eased the pain lol. Note to self: Don't let the excitement of getting strikes make you forget to check your rig!! lol Because all I wanted to do was make sure i had that line out at all times and in this case, it possibly cost me from winning the tourney by not catching the big one I had on the line due to a bent hook. We ended up coming in 2nd place. Only if I would have caught the big one but a successful day
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  18. Always good to meet another Tarheel fan! Thanks guys!
  19. Hey Guys! I'm new and thought I start here I'm from the good 'ol North Carolina state and I'm actually new to fishing after all these years. Really got into Bass fishing last year, especially when I hauled in that 5lb 4oz large mouth! So I hope to learn some good fishing tactics here and also meet some good people.
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