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Everything posted by Angealy

  1. This reminds me of one day when i saw some kids throwing huge ass rocks into the water near the bank at a local public lake i go to all the time. I mean, These rocks could of easily killed a fish or two. I was quite mad and said to my sister who happen to be fishing with me "Don't they have something better to do with their time?" My sister finally snapped and told them to knock it the hell off and said there are live fish in there and their lives matter/etc, She's an animal lover what can i say. After that, The group of kids ended up leaving and going somewhere else.
  2. I have used 15lb braid before on my L five foot spinning setup and threw just about everything on it and that's including a frog. I have caught many fish on this same setup and even in heavy grass too and haven't had a single break off. I think if i was using any thing else, I may have lost those fish. With that being said, 15lb braid might not be the best choice to use but it can be done.
  3. Personally, I'll tell others what i use and try to be a very friendly and positive angler if asked right. I believe it really depends on how you go about it as a person and how you ask it. When i started to trout fish, I was told to **** off by others most often or not and felt like giving up. But this older angler told me to stop using power bait and offer to give me one of his pink worms. I turned down his offer but he was not taking no for an answer, He stopped fishing just to came out of the river and rig my worm for me and said trust me you'll catch a fish with that, I felt bad but sure enough i got one. It was a keeper and i wanted to give it to him as some kind of payment but he told me to keep it and said i earned it. I ended to throwing it back and packed up and headed home. From this point on, I still use these for trout,panfish,etc. Sometime afterwards, I went to a lake with some anglers who happen to be from new york. A guy and his buddy, We just got there and we were using a pink work + slipshot rig and they were laughing and being real jerks. "You'll never catch a fish on that, The only fish you'll catch is a gay one and there are none, Look "name here" they'll never get anything with those rods/setups ahahaha, We're using spinners they're to advance for you." Karma got them, In a total of a half hour we were pulling them in left and right and ended up taking four rainbows home for dinner in our bucket. They only caught one rainbow out of the whole time being there.
  4. Wow this is really something, But i'll try my best to help out. Hmm, Where do we start? I have caught many bass on senkos/lizards/ribbon tail/etc the list goes on. I use a light five foot ugly stik spinning combo and use a M six foot bait caster with 10 pound and 14 pound mono. I'll rig my senko weighted/weightless/T-Rig/Wacky/etc, This depends on the wind and location i am fishing. I just catch fish, I have used just about everything you can use and still catch them. I've used value pack hooks,eagle claw hooks, hooks by owner/gamakatsu/etc the list goes on. I have used hooks ranging from anywhere to a size 8-3/0 in bass/trout/panfish. As for weight, I keep it simple start off with small and work your way up depending on wind/location. As for your senko getting bit: I would have to say it's the work of a panfish/trout/etc. I'll keep it simple: Find what works for you and let the fish tell you what they want that day. Set the hook if one of these are true. Taps or Seeing your line moving. Hopefully this is helpful in some regards.
  5. Welcome aboard
  6. Man you are killing it with this white chatter bait and even caught a four pound on it! I love seeing you do so well with this one lure and I'm considering picking one up after never using one before. The last time i got baits or lures was a few months ago. I happened to be at a local walmart that day and decided to look, I found a yum box for 10$ and decided it was worth it. Saturday morning i woke up early, grabbed my gear and headed to my local private lake and fished it for about two hours and ended up killing it all from the bank. I killed it with lizards then the bites stopped, Switched to a june bug ribbontail and landed my first five pound bass! After that i got a picture of her, released her and headed back home. Mind you these were two different plastics i never used/rigged before and it was nice to be catching fish on em. I guess what i'm trying to say is keep doing what you are doing!
  7. I'll give you the run down on the situation. A man who is based in new york was left with a sailing boat by his friend who moved to Florida. This man no longer wants the boat, doesn't have time for it/etc and is willing to give it to us but legally we also don't want to take/buy stolen property. With that being said, I'm not quite sure where we go from here and the only documentation left behind was a boat registration in his friends name. What are our legal options?, We're based in new jersey also so any advice on this would be much appreciated.
  8. It looks like your doing great if i do say so myself!
  9. Ah yes, I remember when i went through "Getting used to my bait caster" My advice: You want to have your bait caster tuned and keep it that way very important! You can do this if you fallow the tips below. 1.Adjusting your spool tension knob to match the lure you will be using. Remember, Not every lure weights the same so you you will be adjusting your spool tension every time you switch out a lure till it's tuned right. Personally, I like to have mine set to slowly drop or not drop at all. By doing this i can cast out and as soon as my lure hits the water/ground it won't bird's nest and the spool stops itself. 2.Adjusting your breaks, In your case you want it on the highest setting as you are starting out. But you may adjust your breaks later if you want but that's up to you. Personally, I like to keep mine on the highest and still do today, I like it this way but your mileage may vary. 3.When start out using your baitcaster you won't be able to cast out very far and you'll feel like you don't know how to fish but if you stick with it and don't give up you'll find yourself sooner or later making those longer and accurate cast. I used to not be able to cast out very far and now i can cast out as far and accurate just as good as my friend using spinning setup.
  10. After what felt like hours of tying on most of my tackle and not getting a single bite i felt like heading home. But before i did, I gave it one final shot and rigged up a bullet weight t-rig with a green watermelon color yum dinger thinking "Why not?, I haven't used this today" Bingo! My first bass of the day was like playing cat and mouse, I watched as this same bass went back to the same spot i was casting to after getting off the hook two times just for my worm, Talk about being determined. Cast 1:Hooked, Lost. Cast 2:Hooked, Lost. "Blood is boiling at this point because i want this fish regardless of weight and size lol" Cast 3:Hooked and she was not getting away this time. Bass number two went much better>Threw out let it sink and felt first bump/saw my line go in another direction and set the hook. This bass jumped in the air many times till the grass was on top of her and after getting all that slop off of her to unhook her she ended up breaking off one side of her mouth/jaw off allowing the hook to fall off. I wanted to get a picture but didn't want to hurt the fish so i put her back into the lake and packed up.
  11. Way to go man, You did good and it shows! For moments like this, I really like having that braided line as you can lock down your drag and pull em out of slop/glass/etc with no problems. I'd like to night fish sometime but it would be a first time doing it and i'm not sure what kind of gear i'd need to get the job done.
  12. For those wondering where i got this idea from, I saw people make one in this video and decided i could do the very same.
  13. islandbass: Thank you, I enjoyed making this project and with my bait caster being about 6 feet tall i'm pushing it. But as long as i don't get rods higher than 7 feet or higher i think i'll be alright. gaspumper: I love the setup man, What neat idea Ksam1234: I'm glad you asked, I used 1-1/2-in pvc and fitting for the whole project. I was able to find all my parts at lowes, If you don't have one near you you may be able to find these parts else where. Now onto the project, I'll leave a list of what you'll need and tools i used. 1. A single pvc pipe 1-1/2-in, 10 feet length. "I found this was the perfect length for me and when the project was over i had about two feet left that could of been used for mess ups or something." 2. Six 1-1/2-in T fittings. "Get the cheapest ones if you can" 3. Four 1-1/2-in 90 degree angle fittings. "Get the cheapest ones if you can" 4. pvc all purpose cement used for gluing it all together. "Honestly, You don't need to glue it and could use it as dry fit and you could always add onto it later if you want to." "However, In my case i glued it all together to make it more stable/permanent." Tools: measuring tape for making your pipe the right length, some sort of sharpie or maker for marking the pipe, workshop vice for holding the pipe while cutting it, wood handle saw or reciprocating saw or dremel for cutting the pipe into smaller pieces. After you have all these things it's time to start. Take your single pvc pipe 1-1/2-in, 10 feet length and cut ten four inch pieces you'll be using these for the base and fittings. Take your single pvc pipe 1-1/2-in, 10 feet length "It's much smaller now but you get the point" and now cut six six inch pieces these will be used for your rods and these pieces go into the T fittings. After that you should now have all the pieces to put this together and everything test fitted, Hopefully this was helpful. Edit: I have added this picture to hopefully give you a better understanding.
  14. Here's what i decided to make after not knowing where to put my many rods i have. It's all made out of PVC tubing and can be glued together or just dry fit, i'll leave more details later when asked.
  15. Eh, It's best to ignore those type of people as you are the better person and there's not much you can do.
  16. Welcome, Glad you stopped by.
  17. James, That looks like a good spot to fish from the bank or dock. I'd also like to get a WP110 but i would feel really bad losing one of those in my lake and having someone else find it. Maybe another time though
  18. Personally, I use a catch more fish 4'6" Ultra Light Spinning Combo for my panfish/trout needs. However, I do fish freshwater so your mileage may vary. The setup cost no more than 30$ depending on where you look.
  19. Honestly, You would be fine with a catch more fish spinning combo in panfish or trout both will do just fine for the task. They're not to much too, It'll run you about 30$ if you get it off amazon.
  20. I'll keep this in mind when I'm fishing. I almost always wear some sort of safety glasses when cutting the grass or using power tools but not so much fishing.
  21. Well, Here's our catch of the day and this big girl went for that weightless yum finesse worm green pumpkin. My sister catch it and landed it. After we got it to shore we felt bad as this bass was hooked a total of five times by all the holes in the poor thing. After unhooking it we saw there was still a hook inside of it "not ours" and we pulled out our pliers and removed it. After that first bite, Things went real south for both of us no bites/no nibbles/nothing. As for myself, I've been in a rut, skunked, defeated and READY to throw in the towel. I haven't been able to catch a bass or any fish in some time after making the switch to a heavier bait caster setup. I have only caught two bass on this setup. With that being said, It could be my line,lure,weight,heavy pressured fish,not really sure what to do now. Regardless, Enjoy this catch.
  22. I do most of my fishing from the bank, I fish at a private lake and a public lake. However, You are limited by the space you can fish from. A little bit ago i was informed a lake just down the road from me i thought was public was private. One day i was fishing there not bothering anyone when a group of three guys walk up to me and asked me if i caught anything. I told them no and after that they said you do know the lake is private right?, Meaning you can't fish or be here without permission right? I told them i wasn't aware of that and apologized and said how sorry i was. I was really upset at this because this lake is very close to my house and for someone who doesn't really have a way to get around all that much it really sucked. I told them to please let me pack up my things and i'd be gone. Before i could go and do that they stopped me and said look the owner personally gave me permission to be here and fish i'm going to tell you what i tell everyone who comes here, You may fish here but only if you fallow these simple rules. 1. You are respectful to everyone on this lake and this goes for the house owners and people on the lake, You have just as much right to be here as they do. 2.You are quiet. 3.Don't leave trash/items/etc behind and clean up after yourself. If you can do all of those things you are more than happy to fish here heck even go out on a boat and fish. If anyone saids you cannot be here tell them "name" gave you permission and you'll be fine. I guess it worked out for me in the end but i'm a bit hesitant to go there now not sure i can really trust this guy. I now only fish at my public lake that gets fished all the time by large group of people/tourist people or locals. When i go there some or no body there most the time and the bass are really finicky about what they'll eat on that lake. But i'm happy just catch at least one.
  23. I can't stand eating fish yet alone kissing one!
  24. I had a much better time when i switched to 14lb mono on my bait caster instead of using braid. I picked 14lb as it's a good all around set up and that's what i wanted. I used to have 15lb of power pro on my bait caster and didn't think much of it as used/loved it on all my spinning setups but let's just say i was wrong and using it on my bait caster was a mistake. It was a serious pain in my "reel", It seemed like the braid was digging into it self or getting loose over time and somehow resulting in me getting a bird nest almost every time mid cast even when i had my brakes on the highest and having the lure drop slowly and casting out right and even stopping the spool right before my lure would hit the water. At this moment i was thinking it had to be me and i was still new to it and it was all my fault. I even lost out on a few fish i could have gotten had i been using a spinning setup, simply because i couldn't reel them in because of a bird nest and let's just say things went south real quick and i wanted to give up using a bait caster all together. However, I wasn't quite ready to give up just yet and again changed the line to mono, used same lure, same settings as before. And to my surprise, I was able to cast out quite far and no bird nest and even caught a few nice size bass with no problems all on a frog lure. Yes, I did have like two bird nest that day but they were small and easy enough to work out and i was back to fishing and catching in no time. so the moral of the story is if you are new to using a bait caster like me, mono is the way to go and after you get really good with it then you may make the choice to switch the line to something else. Also, A bait caster is much better used on a lake or a boat and not really ideal for spots like throwing your worm/lure under a bridge in this case you are better sticking with a spinning setup. Hope this was helpful.
  25. I have used braid,mono and fluoro on all my setups they're all great. I believe each line has a time and place, With that being said i have used anything from #4,#6,#8,#10,#12,#14#15. It really boils down to what you are doing and what your lake/pond/spot/etc is like. In a spot like a lake with slop/veggies on top, I find it easier to use braid with a frog or senko on it and i'll toss it out pretty far along the shore line. Once the bass is hooked a lot of the time they enjoy digging them self into the grass/etc whatever happens to be in the water and don't want to come to me, With that braid it makes my job a little bit more easier and i know they're not going to get away from breakage. I hope this helps.
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