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Everything posted by lenogris

  1. Turns out they were 27 feet up. We did no end up going as we were told they were closed. Heard a bunch of docks and marinas had flipped and quite a few boats were lost. We will have to go into the tournament blind, but hopefully thanks to the help here we will do good.
  2. Ok sweet thanks for the info. ill keep everyone posted Sunday night let you know how we do pre fishing.
  3. Sorry about that. I wanted to put up some pics from the navionics webapp, but it is not working at the office. Best I could come up with was the google map and put in the areas I noticed on the sonar chart. It may be lower than 24 feet now. last report was on the 9th. I had heard 15. What do you mean by fishing down lake?
  4. Thanks for the breakdown. That is very good info.
  5. local wildlife department says its 62 and 24 feet up and murky. as to what stage im not really sure, my first season so im still trying to figure that stuff out.
  6. I have a tournament coming up, and I only have one day to pre-fish this new lake. We are going to Ft. Gibson lake in Oklahoma. Both myself and my boater have not been there. I was checking out navionics and google maps looking for good locations to hit during our pre-fish. I wanted to get a few opinions and ideas where we should start. I'm looking first to the island north of the dam, then the docks and channel to the east of the dam, and finally there is a good looking point up to the north west. I'm still new to bass fishing so im not quite sure of my selections. Thank you all for the help. I have already learned quite a lot here, and went from no fish in our first tournament to 5th the following one.
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