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Everything posted by Porkrind

  1. Budget is I dunno $50 and below maybe. By the way thanks for all the replies I’m going to start shopping here in the next few days.
  2. I’m needing some new scales but before I go buy some what ones do you guys like? I’m looking for some that would be waterproof, rugged, decent battery life, and of course accurate. Would love to hear some opinions on what would work well in a kayak since that’s what most of my fishing is out of.
  3. Caught this one on a Popper last night right at sunset.
  4. I hate being as big as I am because in pictures every fish I catch looks so small hahaha.
  5. Lol, no flies and I thought why not Stick my tongue out in that picture because I sent it to my son while he was in school and I was fishing. Probably not the best idea but oh well. The lake I typically fish is very murky and stained with visibility being just inches usually but this past week it has been very clear with about three to four feet of visibility and very little stained color.
  6. The Storm Arashi rattling flat 7 did the trick yesterday evening. I bought it on clearance from BPS and thought I could come close to matching the forage. I was fishing in the Kayak and was tossing a Berkley pitbull in the blue back color with no luck so I anchored up and swapped out to the Arashi. First cast and bingo, fish on. Anyone else switch up crankbait and have immediate success just in change of action and color? Depth was the same on both baits for the most part.
  7. Ok so after reading all of this over I do believe you make a great point. I have zero arguments for that. Kinda feel like I just had a duh moment. Lol, thanks for clearing my pea brain train of thought.
  8. Maybe it's nostalgia but I love tubes. Been using them for 30yrs now, I love watching them spin, glide, and fall. I feel like I have more imagination when fishing a tube vs anything else.
  9. JJ's Magic is what I use. Can't say it's increased my bites but I love the products. I even use the clear when dyeing isn't necessary.
  10. Really sucks that this is part of the world we live in now days. The elderly don't always understand me which I can deal with and respect, but I don't understand the some of the youth today either and feel little need to explain myself to them. I'm tired of giving in to the "It's not fair crowd". Oh yeah by the way nice fish there Deep!
  11. A fifty five gallon trash bag that had a couple of what I assumed were poached deer heads with the racks cut off.
  12. I like the 4" soft craw from Arkie if I'm using a stand up jig head.
  13. I was in the same boat you're in last year. I fished my entire life with spinning reels and that was all I was comfortable with until I finally decided to break down and start fishing out of my comfort zone and I'm glad I did. The first setup I bought was a fairly inexpensive one. I bought a Kastking Royal Legend reel from Eposidon online and a Pinnacle Vertex rod that was a 7' MH. When I got them both in I rigged them up with some 12lb copoly and a frog. I stood in the front yard after watching a bassresource video on YouTube which shows you how to setup the reel prior to casting and then how to cast it. Within 30mins I was having very few issues and loved it. Since then I've been fishing the heck out of that setup thinking that with it being an inexpensive rig I'd start to wear it out, but nope that thing has been rock solid and pretty dang smooth. After a few months using that setup I was so into using baitcasters that I purchased another Kastking reel (Stealth) and put it on a KVD crankin rod. Then I just had to start trying more high end setups and have wound up with 5 rigs. Two Pinnacle Optimus XiHs reels and one Optimus LTE, all of which have changed my love for reels. I know reels are tools and I'm very tough on my equipment but take great care in the maintenance of them. I can't say I wouldn't purchase another Kastking because I absolutely would, however I truly believe my Pinnacles will last longer than I will need them. The Kastking setups with rods were between $60 - $80 bucks but worth every penny so far. Pinnacle setups ranged from $250 - $380.
  14. Love the big bite bates fightin frog but I'm assuming you are asking for top water presentations.
  15. Good quality fishing equipment in general. I started out using the combos that I bought in stores and have found that for a little more money you can have a much better setup and not be pinned down to a general use rod/reel that only works ok for multiple things. Quality hooks, line, swivels, etc... I'm not saying spend a lot of money just pay attention and buy quality proven products.
  16. On a standard football jig. Pretty much as suggested and appreciated. I used the brown/black laminate color and dipped the tips of the tails in some red JJ's. looked nice and purty.
  17. That just sounds like a business using any and every remaining staffers who are willing to their advantage. Looking at it from the outside in I don't see any benefits to the staffers for all the hard work they are putting in. My question would be why would a staffer stay?
  18. Got it this morning during the brief break in rain.
  19. Well I went out this evening after a rain storm and gave it a go. Unfortunately I had zero success. I'm not deterred though so onto tryin again, hopefully tomorrow.
  20. Man there are more ways to fish this than i was thinking. Thanks again all for the replies.
  21. Thanks guys that sounds simple enough.
  22. Hey all, I've not used very many grubs besides on trailers so I'm interested in some of the other presentations you guys might use. I've found some arkie salted crawlin grubs locally and bought a few packs. Really wanting to try something new and give fish something they might not have seen lately. Thanks for all the help and if I have success I'll post a picture back and give credit it where credit is due.
  23. My favorite snack turned into one word.
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