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Everything posted by Porkrind

  1. I’m looking for someone who uses or has used the Ardent Flippin Reel. Anyone have feedback on these or any of the other reels they make? Thanks
  2. I found a good deal on the BPS Pro Qualifier bibs so I pulled the trigger. They looked to be good quality and to go with it I purchased the Frabill F3 rain jacket. I think those two together will do the trick.
  3. I threw what I thought was a few in the cart and turned out to be 30 of them. I laughed and immediately returned here to quote you and help narrow it down just a little lol.
  4. Any recommendations on a go to color?
  5. Wow I just went and looked and your right that’s crazy good.
  6. Anyone with experience with the BPS Pro Qualifier gear? Thanks for the responses. There are some really good options out there.
  7. I do most of my fishing from the kayak and want to get some decent rain gear. I have around a $200 budget but can’t decide if I should go insulated or not, should I do the jacket and bibs or just the jacket since I have both uninsulated and insulated waders. Should I buy insulated rain gear or uninsulated rain gear. I am leaning towards insulated since it seems that is what I’ll be using it for more. I always wear my PFD but should I wear it under or over the rain gear? It seams like some trivial questions but what has worked best for you guys? I’ve always bought the inexpensive rain suits when fishing but they seam to rip and tear easily when kayaking. I’m open to ANY suggestions on this topic as staying dry and SAFE in the cooler months are my priority. Thanks everyone.
  8. Well I don’t know much about it but I bought my son his first baitcast rod today. Caught it on sale for $20. It’s a Diawa Aird-X rod, and I think I’m going to buy him an Abu Black Max to go on it. I think for his first setup this will be easy to use and fairly inexpensive. Oh and the bibs and rain jacket are next.
  9. I’ve actually looked at those and they didn’t seem to bad at all. Sounds like you got a good deal on yours
  10. Any recommendations for a set of bibs and jacket?
  11. Awesome, I’m excited to see what direction you go with this boat. I bought that exact model and make of boat a few weeks ago and planned on doing a remodel on mine to. The only difference in yours and mine is that mine has a small console on it and the previous owner painted it green. I don’t know if Monark made it that way or if it was an add on buy the previous owner. You got a heck of a deal on it, I paid $600 for mine.
  12. It’s actually turns out that I made out like a bandit today. I recieved a total of $220 worth of gift cards and cash. Looks like I’ll bee looking for a nice set of bibs and jacket.
  13. I’m thinking about buying my son his first baitcaster
  14. That’s pretty genius if you need one. Great ideas guys keep them coming. I know many of us out here will get money or gift cards for Christmas.
  15. Line is a good one that I haven’t even given a second thought to but I like that.
  16. I don’t believe there is a wrong answer out there. This is a broad enough question that anyone and everyone can answer. In the winter I just kinda meander around kicking rocks, piddling, and making jigs.
  17. I make my own but I don’t wire tie mine. I use different colored bands when I want to add a little something different to the jig. I just like being able to create and make what I feel appeals to my local waters. More of a hobby to me then hardcore jig making. I don’t really think the bass care if my jig is flashy. Sometimes I make jigs that just appeal to me. I love fishingskirts.com
  18. So you get fifty bucks for Christmas. Not to much not to Little. What do you buy? Why? Me? I go stupid and order skirts for the jigs I make.
  19. This post was great for a much needed laugh. Thanks
  20. May not be the popular picks but I have mostly Pinnacles now. I have a couple Optimus Xihs, Optimus LTE, and a Producer X. I love them all, they cast long distances, have really good drags, and feel great in the hand. I just bought my last Producer X for $49.
  21. I’d look at any tributaries that supply the bodies of water you fish along with the industries near those tributaries but in all reality it should be fine. If it wasn’t then there should be general knowledge in your area to stay away from eating the local bodies of water. Just because the frog population looks healthy doesn’t mean that everything is safe. I have a feeling you’d be fine to eat what you catch.
  22. Man I’ve been chucking the Whopper Plopper 130 in the T100 color and doing very very well, but it’s mostly sand bass choking it down. I love catching sandies but I’m telling ya they crush it every time and I’m having a hard time keeping it on the water for the large mouth. Still tons of fun and if I didn’t have fish in the freezer I’d bring em home. I personally think the sandies are extremely underrated when it comes to eating. Anyways I thought I’d see if anyone else has this goin on.
  23. I believe the H2O model is an Academy house brand. With it being black I’d fish it on overcast days or in the evening, just walking it like a dog. As for the other one probably best suited to clear days during early to mid morning say ways as above.
  24. I’ve had good luck lately with the Havoc Rocket Craw and the Yum Mighty Bug.
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