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Everything posted by NHfroggin

  1. In the last month.. Glock 22 40 cal-$440 Blackhawk Serpa Holster-$40 Point Blank C-Series Vest-$240 Streamlight polystinger led- $110 Uncle Mikes duty belt $25
  2. I also had to write the same type of paper in college. I wrote it on to hunt or not to hunt. just an idea! -matt-
  3. Nice job wagn looks good! -matt-
  4. Wow, nice job definitely a good day when you get on quality and quantity! -matt-
  5. UNH, i was at Long pond in danville. We use to go camping on the saco river i never fished it but i saw people catching trout fly fishing. not sure of exactly where on the river. -matt-
  6. Nice camera set up Wagn! I like the idea of seeing the whole fight 8-) I got out today for a couple hours in the canoe. Got blown around for a while with no bites. Finally found them on beds, from 6" of water to maybe 2 feet. Used a Rage tail toad to produce blowups and locate fish. All fish were caught on senkos. Here is the best one of the day, went 3lbs 3oz.
  7. Yeah thanks for putting this together jay! Everyone caught fish and we had good weather, it was a good time. Im up for another one! -matt-
  8. Just trying to make sure i have the correct directions is this about where the launch is? http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&resnum=0&q=stumpfield+road+contoocook+nh&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Stumpfield+Rd,+Contoocook,+NH+03229&gl=us&ei=rmnsS8ONG8KAlAfi_YC0CA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA -matt-
  9. because... Which is worse? A tazer or a solid ***-kicking courtesy of security officials and players? Ever see someone rush a wrestling ring from the crowd? The wrestlers don't screw around. There have been some runners who have gotten the absolute crap beaten out of them. I have been tased by the police before( under my agreement during my internship with a NH PD). I can say it is quite possibly the worse 5 seconds of my life. -matt-
  10. because... IMO, probably because its force that is not needed. Now if the kid began to throw punches at the officer or anyone else, this is when i believe it would be the right time to use a taser. -matt-
  11. But its not SOP probably for a reason.. -matt-
  12. IMO, I dont think the kid should have got tased. Yes of course he is a knucklehead for running onto the field but he was not in any way putting anyone in danger. I think the officer should have been able to to subdue the kid without the use of a less than lethal weapon. -matt-
  13. But i would have to check to make sure they are the same as a higher hp motor correct? and then all it would be is carb, intake, reeds? -matt-
  14. Thanks Way2slow!! I think i will look into the carb, intake, and port map. The boat is already over powered by 20hp so we will see how she goes before doing these mods=). Thanks again, -matt-
  15. it diggs in to much.powerpro is far from the best braid.it is an outdated 4 strand braid.sufix is better and fireline braid and diawa samurai are even better than suffix. After seeing the fireline box over and over again i decided to give it a try I started using it at the begging of last season, it is deff. the best braid i have used.I haven't had any issues at all. Thanks Dodgeguy! -matt-
  16. Way2slow i have a 90hp merc thunderbolt, from what i was told buy the mechanic it was the smallest inline 6 they made at that time. He then said it could be easily upgraded to a 115 or 135 hp. Any thought on that? -matt-
  17. Check out this thread its all NH guys. I think most of us are in southern NH. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1238290254 -matt-
  18. Yeah ill be there, Thanks for the seat Wagn! -matt-
  19. Friday sounds good for me, my boat wont be ready for then but if anyone has an open seat and doesn't mind count me in. -matt-
  20. Wow, looks like everyone has been doing great! I spent the last two weeks in Florida so i haven't got out yet. Nice boat and truck Jay! I am also off Fridays so let me know. -matt-
  21. Is that Long Pond in Danville in your main picture. Is the ice out there? Last time i went by it looked like there was a good amount left. -mmat-
  22. Nice job Shane! Its good to see guys going out and putting fish in the boat this early. -matt-
  23. Nice job! it looks great! I am in the process of carpeting a boat, what did you use for an adhesive to hold the carpet down? thanks -matt-
  24. x2 I have the 7'2" pitch and skip and its great! i mostly use it for frogs and it has plenty of power. -matt-
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