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Everything posted by NHfroggin

  1. Nice fish Fmoore and NHbassin! I went out today to massabesic lake and it was WINDY. There were constant 1 foot waves and when the wind really kicked up they were closer to 2 feet! The boat handled it well but it was a very wet ride. I only caught a couple pickeral. Water temps were 48-49 on the main lake but got up to 53 in some coves. -matt-
  2. Your local marina should have them as many years/models use the same unit. I just replaced mine it was $50 for the kit. I would recommend picking up a manual if you have never worked on motors before. The toughest part will be aligning the lower unit back up. Good luck -matt-
  3. When I asked which to use the mechanic at the marina told me brands like walmarts supertech or other non specific oils shouldn't be used. I use quicksilver its like 4$ for 16 oz. -matt-
  4. Got out today for a couple hours at great pond. Managed two lmb biggest was 2.5lb and some pickerel. Water temps were 49-50 for most of the lake in the section I caught the lmb it was 53-54. I also saw a few beds in the warm shallow water. Does anyone have a hummingbird fish finder? If so what do you have yours settings at? Im having a hard time using mine. Thanks -matt-
  5. That was a good game eh' Nice job B's -matt-
  6. Nice Congrats on the new boat, Now lets see some pics!! -matt-
  7. Look for a combo from either cabelas or bps. Usually you want to spend more on the rod but I would suggest buying a quality reel like a shimano citica. The quality reel will make it easier to learn with less backlashes. When I began learning how to use a bc reel I found it to be easier with braid jmo. Either only put 100 yrds of line on the reel or fill the reel and tape it off so when you get and overrun it will stop. Here is one option.. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Shimano174-Citica174-CI200E-ReelCabelas-Fish-Eagle174-II-Rod-Casting-Combo/704381.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dcitica%26x%3D0%26y%3D0%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%2BProducts&Ntt=citica&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products Good luck -matt-
  8. That is too bad.. I will be out Saturday as i already took the day off from work. -matt-
  9. Nice Job Shane and Fmoore! I went out for a while today to Great Pond, only one lmb and a pickerel. Fishing was slow water temps were 48-49 down a couple degrees from Fridays 52-53. The wind was strong there were white caps at one point. -matt-
  10. There is also Pawtuckaway Lake in Nottingham. I fished it last year once got blown around in my old boat but managed a few small mouth. This might be closer for you guys coming from the middle or western part of the state and its right off 101. In clarks it says it has a good ramp and parks 15-30 so we wouldn't have to worry about that. -matt-
  11. 1985 Cajun 16' 90hp Mercury -matt-
  12. Hey it was nice seeing you jaystraw. It was windy and very cold on the lake today. I headed out mostly to test the boat out but fished for an hour or so only got one about a lb, on a senko. I posted some pics and videos in the bass boat forum of my boat i finished. -matt-
  13. Hey everyone, last year i bought this 85' Cajun with a 90 hp mercury for $500 and it was in need of alot of restoration. I replaced all the wiring, cut and fiberglassed new floors, installed new carpet, changed lower unit fluid and water pump, installed new trim motor and installed the bow mount trolling motor. I took it out for the first time today and it ran great. On gps it hit 44mph which is alot faster than my previous 14 ft v-hull and 4hp. Getting use to the tilt/trim was tough but it got easier with practice. Here are some before and after pics and a couple videos. -matt-
  14. Sounds good jay..I will probably be there around 10a if I see your truck ill make a run around the lake and find you. -matt-
  15. I fish great pond alot its about 5 minutes from my house..I've pulled some decent fish from there 4-5lbs fishing everything from topwater frogs to deep cranks..usually I get good numbers also. I have fished it from a canoe and a jon boat. It can get busy as there is only one launch maybe 4-5 trailers and I am unsure about parking on the road..i can contact kingstons finest to make sure we can park along the road. I may be taking the boat there friday to make sure everything works good. -matt-
  16. Welcome!! There are a bunch of good guys from NH on here. Check out the Thread "anyone have any luck in southern NH yet" its in the Northeast Bass fishing section. -matt-
  17. Hey guys i think i will be able to make it the 23rd. I will try to have my boat ready for then, if not i may need a seat. Jay what lakes were you thinking of near the seacoast? -matt-
  18. Hey guys nice to see some of you getting out on the water already..Those are some nice fish Shane! I haven't been able to get out yet, but the boat should be ready soon. -matt-
  19. NHfroggin


    Glock 22 40. Gen3 15+1, I use this as a duty firearm, rarely carry concealed. Not for 1st choice for home protection, the 870 or 1187 would be used first. On the age factor, i buy pistol ammo im 20 now but have been buying it since 18. I say im using it for a kel tec sub 2000 which also takes glock 22 40. mags. Next on the list is a Ruger LCP for concealed carry. -matt-
  20. lake massabesic might be good, it does get fished very heavily though. -matt-
  21. I had a great time as well. Fishing was deff. tough because of the wind. Im up for another get together, friday or weekends are good for me. thanks again jay for letting me fish out of your boat! -matt-
  22. Yeah ill deff. fish on your boat thanks! 6:00a sounds good! -matt-
  23. Sounds Good to me, ill be there! -matt-
  24. Im looking to upgrade from my env3 to a new smart phone. I have been looking at the droid x. My question is i dont want the phone im stuck with for two years to be old technology in a couple months. will it be? matt
  25. Picked up this knife a couple days ago reg. 96$ got it for 45! It will replace my old s&w knife for my EDC. http://sogknives.com/store/AE-01.html Also got all 7 seasons of the shield, its awesome! http://www.walmart.com/ip/12342051
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