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    Tarboro N.C.

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  1. frogtog


  2. just thought I would drop in and say hello, it's been a while. Hope everyone is doing good. See we have made some changes around here.Will take me a few trips to get use to it lol. but just wanted to let u know I'm still kicking. TC Everyone
  3. Dadblasted someone stole my Beagle out of the car while I was away. lol
  4. Just to funny
  5. We are right where we wanted to be...lol We didn't want to be ranked 4th or 6th so we did what we had to do.
  6. I'm going to have to cut back some for sure. Been doing around 50 tournaments a year, guess I'll cut back to 49...lol
  7. Stay out of my casting distance, you could get your boat scratched up. >
  8. Saved me from getting a speeding ticket one day. I was running late for my son's ball game. I was hitting around 75 when the blue light came out of nowhere. He asked where I was going in such a hurry and the first thing I could think of was " I'm a ump and I'm late for the game. He let go...lol
  9. LOL he's kinda like me, except i use " Wet Ones" there is one thing I have learned from getting old, is don't trust a fart and carry plenty on whips with you at all times.
  10. 57 and praying.
  11. Hang in there Bizz, it's hard as heck but the rewards are great.
  12. I will probably fish a couple of D13 tournaments. Most of the time Gary only has around 4 or 5 non boaters. So if you don't draw one you will fish by yourself. I fish mostly D15 and D17. I have a filling with the gas prices and the economy the way it is, we might have a hard time getting a full field.
  13. Burley was in the woods doing his clean out and a deer came by. Couldn't take the sight, had to go.
  14. Burley I hate to tell you this but a 1/2oz of Castor Oil will get you the same results. ;D
  15. Ok so how do you delete it, I don't want everyone knowing how poor I am.
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