I started fishing when I was 12 in about 1959. Living in Miami, I fished mostly canals and rock pits. My best friend and I would ride our bikes 10-30 miles or more to fish a new spot. From our homes in North Dade, the Everglades was to the west and the Atlantic to the east. We caught bass in fresh water and snook in the bays and brackish water. Land Locked tarpon were always a possibility. In the summer, my father would drive us to the pier on the ocean where we would spend the night fishing and sleeping on the pier. South Florida was a different place back then.
I built my first boat in my parent's garage out of an 8' by 4' piece of plywood and some planks for the sides. My first real boat was a 15' aluminum car topper. My first bass boat was a 15' Terry bass with stick steering and a 50 Johnson. I later upgraded to a 16' Terry with a 75. I fished my first B.A.S.S. State Federation Tournament in that boat. When I got home, I bolted on a 135 Johnson. It wasn't much faster, but it looked like it. A Terry dealer sponsored me and I bought a red white and blue Terry American Bass Fisherman. Later, there were Hydrosports, Rangers, Skeeters, a Gambler and a 22' Storm I had custom built. As I went along, I owned a bunch of offshore and flats boats too. When I got older, I struggled with launching and loading a big boat, so I went with aluminum boats. My current Ranger RT 178 is my last boat and after that I will be back on the bank where I started. I get a ton of emails from people who ask about bank fishing. Luckily, there are still places here where you can fish from the bank and do reasonably well.
Thanks for indulging my reminiscing on these pages. If you are just starting out, keep fishing and you will too some day.