You guys ever have it where, you see something that looks nice and you're like "man, I'd love to have that". But then the more practical side of your brain says "yeah, it'd be nice, but you don't need it". But then you think to yourself "yeah, but you only live once, I work hard, I deserve to spoil myself from time to time". But then you think "eh, I just spend x amount of dollars on fishing stuff this past month, I really shouldn't". Then you think "true, this is money I shouldn't be spending right now, but I'll just sell a rod or 2 that I don't use much anymore to cover it". But then the smart part of the brain says "oh BS, you know dang well you ain't selling those rods...this will just add to all the rods that you really don't NEED".
So you finally listen to the practical side of your brain and decide that you don't need it. It'll be money well-spent on something else...something you NEED.
But them BLAM!!! Out of nowhere the dang Bait Monkey jumps on you, grabs you by the face, pulls you close and screams "JUST GET IT, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! DO IT, DOOO ITTT!!"
Well that just happened to me over the past few days. I saw a custom drop on a few ALX rods. Talked to them to get more info on it. And I finally pulled the trigger today. If it fishes as well as it looks I should be a happy camper. I have a few other ALX rods that I really enjoy, so I'm sure I'll be happy with the purchase.