So I was sick as a dog today. Was really hoping to get out and fish, but that wasn't happening. After being bored watching TV most of the day, I just had to get out and do something fishing-related. So I decided to go through all my soft plastics and write down what have. I didn't do how many bags or color of each, or I would've been out past midnight. ?
I realize I have way more than I need. I love trying out new baits. And sadly, there are a lot of baits that go unfished because I either forget about them or I just have other favorites. I really should downsize at some point. I do give a bunch away to friends/kids from time to time.
Anyways, is there a favorite soft plastic that you use that you love and don't see on my list? I realize most aren't gonna go through and read all of this, and I totally get it. I could save a lot of space and type them all out, but that'd take me forevvver since I'm not a speedy typer. More than anything I did this out of boredom. But if you do and have any suggestions, I'm all ears. Thanks!