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Everything posted by NorthernBasser

  1. I've been using this Lew's rod and really like it. The 7'6" model. TW has it incorrectly listed as a medium but it's actually a med-heavy/mod. fast. Lews Custom Speed Stick Crankbait Casting Rod https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-LEWRODS.html?from=basres Have it paired with the Lew's BB1 Spped Spool in the 5.1:1. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-LEWREEL.html?from=basres Most of my reels are Shimano and Daiwa. Last year I purchased this Lew's reel (my first Lew's) and man am I impressed with it. I found it much cheaper on another site, tho.
  2. Where'd you buy from? They're $29.99 on their site. I think my most expensive is around $60. 6" Bull Shad.
  3. All good choice/ideas. This is what I've been using for years.
  4. Especially with these guys roaming your waters. I've spent more dang money on baits because of them. Got this guy this fall on a Red Eyed Shad. No idea how it didn't bite me off. Even had the bait way down in it's mouth.
  5. Get the heavy. They run a little slower than other brands.
  6. Yup. This is exactly what I did this morning.
  7. Also, 6th Sense hooks are sticky sharp. Lots of companies you have to change the hooks out.
  8. Question about the 10% off TW gift cards. The site says this: Electronic Gift Card Discount will not be reflected on your order at the time of checkout. Your discount will be reflected on your confirmation e-mail. Well, I got my confirmation email but the price doesn't reflect the 10% off. Is this normal?
  9. Just to chime in, you'd have a heck of a time throwing ned rigs on casting gear. IMO ned rigs should 100% be fished on spinning. Unless of course you're fish heavy/magnum jig heads/worms.
  10. Do you have the ExStream Core Top by any chance? Looks real nice but I've been fighting with myself about spending $160 on it. However, I am a believer in you get what you pay for when it comes to certain products.
  11. Black Dog Baits. Here's a few nice videos explaining this bait.
  12. I've had this bait for a bit now but have yet to throw it. I'm afraid it may scare the bass away. Paranormal Craw color.
  13. This is the exact setup I use and it works great. I'm not a huge fan of the round reels so I went this route and am glad that I did. For line I use 20lb Big Game.
  14. Lots of nice rods around that price point. Especially if you take advantage of sales. Dobyns Fury line. For a little more you can get the Sierra line. Shimano Curado rods are around that price point. Fenwick Elite Tech. iRod Genesis II. Just to name a few. All much better than Favorite.
  15. What is low range to you?
  16. Damiki Air Craw. Caught tons of LM and SM on this last spring.
  17. Can't help you with either of those (I notice the Crank Launcher is rated up to 1.5 oz). You may wanna check out the Falcon Lowrider (7'9" heavy/moderate). It retails for $129.99 and rated up to 2 oz.
  18. You and your gifs. Lol.
  19. Question. How often do you have to apply the U40?
  20. 15% off Kittery gift cards with code 15OFF.
  21. I did have a reply ready. Then I read someone is giving up on plastics. Then someone says they're giving up on frog fishing. Now, I forgot what I was even gonna type.
  22. You can definitely use deeper diving cranks from shore. Especially if you want the bottom digging in/bouncing off the bottom. There are tons of cranks/squarebills out there. Strike King, 6th Sense, Lucky Craft are some of the favorites. For squarebills, the KVD 1.5 is quite popular. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Strike_King_KVD_HC_Square_Bill_Silent_Crankbait/descpage-SKKVDHC.html
  23. Like others have said, you can use anything in the 6 to 8 range. But ideally, 7 or 8 is best for these applications.
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