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Everything posted by MangledAngles

  1. Thank you all so much.
  2. Hey guys no clue if I posted this in the right place, sorry if I didnt. I am a fisherman from northern indiana been fishing my whole life newer to baicasting though. I just got a new baitcasting rod from field and stream called the inferno. Its a medium heavy @ 7ft. Tall, 2 piece. To me it felt a little light and dainty at first but feels good to use. Alas I havent caught on it yet so was curious if any of you had, and what you think.
  3. Thank you all.
  4. New to the michiana area specifically south bend. I know we have the saint joe river and pinhook. Havent had much luck yet at either. Need help with maybe bait or lure ideas or more spots. Thanks in advance.
  5. My new to baitcasting setup i feel is very good and inexpensive, who wants to spend 300 dollars to try something they may hate. Rod: Field and stream inferno. Medium heavy 7'. Approx 30$ would have to peek around. Reel: Abu Garcia black max 3. Approx: 50$ may find on sale at some places. Line: Spider wire 12lb green braid. Approx 8$. The rod is light but very sturdy and well balanced. The reel has 5 bearings and is super smooth. The line is sturdy but may be easier to try a mono or poly just starting. I am not a vendor or a sales man for any products. Good luck and good fishing mate, dont let the struggles of learning to baitcast turn you away or frustrate you. We all went through it. Its rewarding once you got it down.
  6. Hey Dyer I grew up in Hammond dowling was the first pond I ever had the chance to fish.
  7. Hello, I am Benjamin or Mangled Angles haha. I am living in Northern Indiana currently but have had the opportunity to fish around the whole US. Two years ago tragedy happened for my fishing life, as well as my normal life. I lost my Uncle whom taught me to fish, my brother i fished with my whole life, and my dog that was always with me fishing. After all this happened I moved to Texas from my home. Texas is where I met my beautiful wife, the love of my life. I am 24 years old she is 21. I have been fishing since I was 5 she has rarely fished at all. She has gotten me back into fishing, a part of my life that I needed. Two weeks ago for the first time in two years we set out, knowing it was too early to really find aggressive bass around here. The first cast out with my uncles old rod and I could feel them with me. Proud not only of me but the woman I found that helped me get back into fishing. Thanks for welcoming me to the forums. Good fishing.
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