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Everything posted by freedomfisher

  1. well thanks for all the info. i guess ill forget about all the sponsors for now. im not gonna give up on competing tho. ill live in my truck and boat if i have to . 8-)
  2. well mike goodwin wan the flw national gard here at lake havasu and he was using a small alum. boat i dont think it was bigget then 14 ft . he took it into places where his ranger wouldent fit. used it for 2 days i think.
  3. wow now thats some good stuff. i try not to take anything the wrong way. i understant what everyone is saying, and yu all have good points. sence im new at all this i thought some help from some of the local buisness. most of them here are prvetly owned, mom and pop kinda places. thats why i was gonna try the letter. but im gonna rethink my aproch to this and see what happens . i am trying to get a few tournies under my belt , first but its not cheep. fist wone i was going to do compete in fell throu. my partner backed out the nite befor and i lost out on some money . but not gonna give up. got anouther one next friday. thanks for all the advice. ill keep working on it . abe
  4. ok i know some of you dont recament asking for anything when looking for sponsors. and i understand why. I would like you to read this letter im writing and give me your opinions on weather or not its a good idea. or if it need to be revised and how. keep in mind that i have giving up everything i posably can to become a pro angler. and that i am aware that it will take me some time to get there. this letter is intended for local non fishing buisness . thanks abe To whom it may concern. My name is abelicio Gomez. I have been a resident of lake havasu for Three years. I have recently entered in competing in local and regional bass fishing tournaments. Starting this winter and continuing thru out the calendar year in pursuit of acquiring the knowledge, and experience to aid myself in competing in the pro bass fishing tournament the following year. I am currently seeking financial sponsors to aid me with tournament expenses. The fees and expenses of tournament fishing can add up very quickly. The total cost of a tournament witch includes entry fees, fuel, and license, insurance, travel expenses, lodging, can add up to approximately between 350.00 and 500.00 each tournament. Not including cost of boat, repairs, and equipment. Any contribution you give would be greatly appreciated. In exchange for you sponsorship I will be advertising your business name, and or logo you provide to me on our team shirts, boat, and or tow vehicles. Depending on the type of sponsorship you participate in. Thus any media exposure would give you additional advertising with no extra cost to you. We also are willing to promote your business in any function that would benefit you with the aid in revenue for you business. ok its not quite finished. So let me have it
  5. wow that was a good artical cabela10. ty i intent to go full foward in competeing with boat in hand. but i also hope to beable to conpete as a co-angler as well . thanks for all the input guys abe
  6. first of all i wasent trying to put anyone down , or even calling anyone an outcast. i was talking about how i felt. i do have a boat . i have an 1980 starcraft tri hull. i understant that everyone in here is not a pro. and that we all cant aford a new bass boat. just wanted to know if i was the only one that felt like i was at a disadvantage becouse i cant aford the new boat. i was down at the lake today wathing all the pro,s come in from pre fishing the flw for this weekend . fells weard wanting to compeate and not own a bass boat . abe
  7. do you have to have a bass boat to fish in a tournament? i understand thet a bassboat is not a requirement for tournament fishing but it seems like you would be an outcast if you dont have one. or at least thats the way i fell. has any of you guys ever fish a bass tourny in anouther kind of boat?
  8. glade to hear it. good luck ;D
  9. sounds great im gonna join right now 8-)
  10. Ff the wind will ever get under 20 mph id like to get anything over 6 for sm and 8for lm
  11. hey there fisherboy glad to see you abord ;D
  12. i line about 5 min from the lake i fish and im there everyday twice a day . as a shore fisherman i can say i have never had any problen with any anglers in a tournament never caused any problms. now all the visitors that come in for the weeken or there vacation thats the problen. they poulute the watter . with trash , fuel, and just dont care becuz they dont live here. someone need to write something about them not the guys who care about the lake.
  13. thanks guys ill keep all that in mind and try not to forget. ill let you all know whats going on . abe
  14. is there a division in the west in az mabe ?
  15. mine will be this sat the 13 and ill be in a runabout ill i am 31
  16. well thanks for the advise ill take it to heart. by the way nice website hale.
  17. well thats what i am planning to do . i start my first tournament on saterday. dont know how big it will be , but i am gonna give it my all. i will be in my own boat , not a bass boat buts its mine. and if anyone has any advise for me that would be great. thanks abe
  18. ok first of all i apologize for the typing and spelling errors i diddent know that you had to be a perfect spell to be able to catch fish or be able to drive a boat. but ill look into it. any how i dont expect to be able to go uot and win the classic tomarrow. i dont even expect to win at all. all i want is the oppertunity to go out and do one of the dreams i had sence i was a kid. i have joined a club here close to me but it is not linked to bass or flw, as a mater of fact there is not a club near me that is linked. so i figure if i gotta travel to fish a tournament then i might as well fish one that might get me somewhere. i dont have alot of money, and i dont live any where near the ares to fish the good tournaments like alot of you out there. that dont mean i dont have the heart or what it takes to compete against the rest of you guys. I am willing to give up what ever i have to and poor my heart and soul into doing what i need to compete. I am willing to learn what ever anyone out there is willing to teach me. now if thats not good enought reasion to want to fish with the pro's then you all forgot what fishing is all about .
  19. i understand that i have to work myway up but are the local turnament really gonna matter on how i move up the ranks. do the local turnys have to be linked to bass or flw . and am i abel to fish at a bass open if i put up the money. i dont have a problem catching five bass a day.
  20. I am looking to get any info an how to get started in fishing in these major tournaments, and how the hole operation works. thansk freedomfisher
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