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Everything posted by Jelvas

  1. Zoom Fat Albert Grub, watermelon red, on a 3/8oz jig head! For years this was my money in the bank lure that allways produced when everything else would´nt... even today i allways have one tied on in one of my rods for when things are going bad...
  2. Your friend is a braver man than i am... going after this behemoths underwater with a spear gun! I´ve seen +200 pound Wels swimming in the shallows in a few ocasions while i was bass fishing and let me tell you... it´s one intimidating sight (i think scary is a better word)!
  3. Hell yeah! But you better have rather big hands (and balls by the way)...
  4. I had a fish fry promised to a group of friends, so, i went for some Zander...
  5. Liked the end result so much that decided to apply the same treatment to the big brother...
  6. Nope... i like them and fish them regulary but the good ol Zara Spook (in all its sizes) is still my all time favorite topwater lure followed closely by a hollow body frog...
  7. I throw mine´s on a Medium Heavy fast action, above 1oz i upgrade to one of my heavys fast action...
  8. Beautiful fish! Congrats...
  9. Rapalas DT6/DT10! I love the entire DT series, they flat out catch fish.
  10. I had two major painful episodes in my fishing life, both of them had a Mr. Northern Pike envolved! One was the first time i tried to hold a pike by the gill plate... and ended up with two of my fingers completely sliced, the amount of blood looked like something out of horror movie! The other was the time i stupidly tried to unhook one rapala max rap from a pikes mouth and ended up with one treble stucked in my finger... with the pike still atached to the other treble and trashing around! After those two episodes i learned my lesson... bought a grip holder, a set of long nose pliers and never had that kind of problems again...
  11. Yep... unfortunaly my favorite lake does not have a boat ramp so we have to improvise.
  12. Yeah... i think you guys are right, after all, my rod rack is like a mothers heart... has always room for one more That´s more or less the same price this one is for sale, brand new in store and with the handle on the right side... the left one! I´ve been holding myself back because, first, i dont really need more reels, second, never tried an Okuma casting reel, only spinning but man... this one shore got me thinking...
  13. Please don´t say things like that! I´ve been battling myself for a few weeks now to NOT buy an Helios Air that is for sale in a store near me for a very good price... and you´re not helping!
  14. Really? I love them so much that i bought two, one for my BB1 and the other for my Super Duty . My BB1 (the original, not the Pro) is a very smooth and silent caster... and boy do it cast a country mile!
  15. Definitly! Any fish is better than no fish! Yes they are! The cool thing is that when you grab them they rise all their fins so they always look good on photos ... and they are very tasty! Pretty much the only fish that i use to take home with me. On the down side... the fight they give is like towing a tree branch... you just feel the weight.
  16. ...one of those days were you wake up craving for some big bass, go to your favorite lake, and manage to catch almost everything that swims and will bite a lure in that lake... except a bass?
  17. Yeah, you can quote me on this one... they do have a 5.6:1 Tournament MB. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-LEWREEL.html?from=basres
  18. They had a lefty BB1 5.1:1 in the beginning but i think it´s discontinued. I have one and yes, it can handle a 10XD just fine so if you manage to find one it´s a good option. I also have the Super Duty in 6.4:1 and it can handle that type of baits to but i do prefer the BB1. If i´m not mistaken lews also haves a 5 gear ratio lefty tournament MB but dont quote me on this one...
  19. You´re on a budget? Simple, Berkley Trilene Big Game! Cheap, strong and reliable, i absolutely do not recomend braid for big heavy baits unless you´re fishing from a boat and the baits are floaters, because sooner or later you will have a backlash and you will stand there watching your expensive swimbait fly to the infinite and beyond! Fluorocarbon is a valide option and will help your baits reach higher deepths but it´s expensive. Circling back to the Trilene Big Game i use 20lb on my 300 sized reels, 15lb on the smaller ones...
  20. Ain´t this the truth! Here in Europe, Portugal and Spain in particular, sometimes whe have a hard time finding some of the brands you guys talk about and use the most, some of them big ones like Strike King, Yum, Yamamoto etc etc... many times whe have to order them from other countries. There are a handfull of bigger tackle stores that will have them in a limited selection, a few models, a few colors but thats just it! Now with Zoom... man you can find their baits everywhere! And i mean really everywhere, from the big tacklestores to the little ones, everybody has allmost every model that Zoom produces in a vast range of colors. I love Zoom baits! They are durable, good priced, have valid options in every category (ok, except a true stick bait) and, above all, they flat out catch fish!
  21. Swim Jig - Keitech Swing impact fat Texas rig - Zoom Mag II Worm Jig- Strike king Rage tail Craw
  22. Recently, on one of those boring days that leads you to experimente, i discovered that a wacky rigged Zoom The Fluke (the ones without the split belly) works very, very, good! PS- But the good ol Senko is still my favorite...
  23. When i watched, powerless, my Loomis IMX + Curado E7 combo take a dive from the boat on +20ft water on my home lake 2 years ago.... yeah, that one made me rage big time!
  24. Pit Boss baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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