The problem with Portugal at the moment it´s our midfielders! Our coach, Fernando Santos, is very much set on a 4.4.2 tactic, and he has good reasons for that, it was the tactic that gave us the 2016 Euro Cup win, however, for you to have sucess on a 4.2.2 you need the mid fielders to carry the game when transitioning from defense to attack to compensate for the lack of a third men in the front, and our mid fielders shape at the moment is lower than a turtle´s belly! I think that, at the moment, a 4.3.3 may be a better solution! Ronaldo can carry us only so far...
Croatia is the oposite, you look at that mid field and see that triangle Rakitic/Brozovic/Modric.... good God all mighty! It was allready a real pain in the ### to eliminate them at the Euro 2016, i honestly believe they can go far.
I honestly don´t buy on that "poor coaching" idea for explaning Messi´s disappearing! Sampaoli allready proved itsealf as a good coach, just see what he did with Chile, the problem is that Messi needs a bunch of great players around him to shine at is full potencial, is best seasons on Barcelona were the ones where he had Xavi, Iniesta and David Villa around him. That´s the big diference between him and Ronaldo! Ronaldo started at Sporting... and becamed their best player, then he went to Manchester United... and becamed their best player, then he went to Real Madrid and guess what.... e becamed their best player! and during that time he has been Portugal´s best player, i mean, the men allready has 84 goals for the national team, he just tied Puskas has the second best scorer of all time for national teams and i have very little doubt that he is going to catch Ali Daei at the first position! My point is, the man is a machine! And no mather where and who is he playing with he allways delivers, now Messi on the other hand...
As for Neymar... well, the only thing i´m going to say is, the day that he starts caring about playing and not faking faults all the time as much as he cares about is hair... he can then became a real star, the talent is there, the atittude not so much...