Looking for help once again! Got a great deal on my first fishing kayak, a Lifetime Tamarack angler. Looking to find a cheap fish finder $200 or less. I do not have a ton of DIY skill so I'm ideally not wanting to drill a bunch of holes into my kayak for the transducer. I have been looking at the Hummingbird Piranha 4, the Lowrance 4, and Garmin Striker 4. I am intrigued by the down scan, but was told that it will not work well through the hull and was also told that down scan only works if you are moving.
With that being said I am curious as to opinions or advice on which to buy and possibly how to mount the transducer. Ive read quite a few people say that the arm mount for the transducer can get hung up a lot and cause issues. Any advice/help is appreciated.