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  1. Hoping you guys can help me out with some advice here! Keep in mind here that I have only purchased 1 of these rods and 2 of the reels, everything else was obtained through hand me downs from family or friends. I have three baitcasting setups and 1 spinning set up and really only want to carry 4 setups but I could eventually add a 5th. Only have four setups so I know they will all be used for multiple applications I am not knowledgeable enough yet to determine what I would use each for and what line to place on each. Dobyns Fury 7’2 Heavy fast (more like MH) Daiwa Tatula CT 7:1 I believe Lews MH fast 6’10 with lews 7:1 speed spool powell nusance 7’0 Mh mod fast cranking rod Incept 6:6:1 fenwick 6’6 medium fast spinning rod with a shimano Sedona Thanks in advance!
  2. Headed up to sand hills this weekend for my first kayak fishing experience there. I've read up all the fishing sampling reports and have also read that it is to almost necessary to have steel leaders and use plenty of weedless tackle Any suggestions on what to work with and also what lakes to focus on? With nine fishable lakes and only a couple days of fishing, we are not exactly looking to jump to all nine.
  3. So down scan will work in kayak without the transducer touching water? Interesting. I would consider a bigger screen just wondered if down scan was worth it
  4. Looking for help once again! Got a great deal on my first fishing kayak, a Lifetime Tamarack angler. Looking to find a cheap fish finder $200 or less. I do not have a ton of DIY skill so I'm ideally not wanting to drill a bunch of holes into my kayak for the transducer. I have been looking at the Hummingbird Piranha 4, the Lowrance 4, and Garmin Striker 4. I am intrigued by the down scan, but was told that it will not work well through the hull and was also told that down scan only works if you are moving. With that being said I am curious as to opinions or advice on which to buy and possibly how to mount the transducer. Ive read quite a few people say that the arm mount for the transducer can get hung up a lot and cause issues. Any advice/help is appreciated.
  5. Looking to add a cheaper fish finder for my kayak. Curious as to whether anyone has an opinion on the Garmin Striker 4 vs the Garmin Striker 4cv. Is the CV really worth it? Considered buying the portable striker4 because I also ice fish in the winter. I wondered though if the transducer for the portable unit is compatible for moving from my kayak and then out onto the ice? Portable one also comes with a battery ready to go. May sound like dumb questions but I am new to working with fish finders.
  6. Thanks for all the help me it definitely reels as described. Slowly but surely getting comfortable with different weights. Picked this combo after spending far too much time reading on here. I really like the Dobyn's rod so far. I primarily fish from a kayak and I don't want to carry much more than two or three combos so I got this setup to use as my all around rod and reel. I also have a Sedona 2500 spinner on a Fenwick rod for lighter stuff.
  7. Thanks for the replies, have never fished with braid before. When reeling in with braid, does it not feel as smooth as mono? Or have I done something wrong?
  8. Just purchased a Daiwa Tatula CT baitcast reel with a Dobyns Fury 734C rod. My baitcasting experience is minimal. I backed the reel with some mono before applying some Suffix braid. Is there a specific way to spool the braid, should I hold the line tightly as I reel it on? Also never worked with the braking system. Any tips or suggestions to get it dialed in properly to avoid the dreaded backlash? Thanks!
  9. New to the forum after reading on here for quite some time. Looking for suggestions for places to bass fish in and around Omaha/Lincoln NE. Fishing primarily from bank but sometimes boat/kayak. Ponds/Rivers/Lakes?? Thanks
  10. Ive actually read quite a bit about the Dobyns Fury. I just may get that and pair it with the Lews MB. What would be a good line?
  11. I think Ill look for a MB on eBay to purchase then. Most of them are priced at 139.99 just like the store. Smarter to get the 8.3:1? Now to find the rod to pair it with. Definitely going to get a medium heavy, so what would you recommend I string it with?
  12. I went into Cabela's today and messed their Lew's reels, is the Tournament MB one of their better reels and what ratio will it off/do I need?
  13. Been reading on here for awhile now trying to answer my questions without actually asking them. Have fished random bait casters throughout my life, but never paid much attention. Im looking for a good all around combo to start out with. Reading the forum I think Ive narrowed it down to a Medium Heavy Rod with fast action and then a good solid reel. I have Shimano spinners and would be open them, but I have read a lot about Lew's and really like their price point. The rods Ive looked into are the Veritas, St Croix, and Tatula. I would like to keep my budget at no more than 250-275. Any suggestions on a good pair? Thanks!
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