Thanks everyone, this is all super helpful info. I'm not sure about which model boat I'll be looking at as I'll likely go with what's available at the right price, condition... but I'd like to keep it on the smaller side. I'll likely fish by myself 80% of the time.
Thanks for sharing the tool info. This makes the task seem less daunting. I can definitely use all the help I can get as I'm a smaller framed person without a whole ton of strength.
$2600 seems VERY reasonable for a bass boat. I've reviewed some boats for sale in my area and they're starting at like triple this amount. Maybe because I'm in Los Angeles?
I'll post in the intro section but I'll also post just a quick intro here:
I've been fishing for about ten years now and primarily fish for largemouth bass. I catch and release everything I catch. I live in Los Angeles, CA and the lakes and fish are mostly Castaic and Diamond Valley with an occasional trip to Pyramid, Perris, Silverwood. I fish from shore and will go out on a buddy's boat once a month. I'd fish everyday except that I have this terrible thing called a full time job that gets in the way during weekdays... unfortunately, it's something I can't get rid of because it provides the money I need to pour into tackle and other fishing-related expenses (also, food and shelter).
nice to meet everyone! Will share pics if and when I am successful in this whole boat thing.