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Everything posted by lunchbox508

  1. You should post before and after pics of the rod/reel cleaning! Congrats and good luck
  2. I had no lukc but my cousin did so here are the pics. They said red rat-l-traps were working but the only bite we got was on a berkly powerbait black neon shad worm.The first is a spotted/guadalupe bass and the second is a largemouth. Both about four pounds
  3. Score Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler
  4. I was just down at lake fork this last weekend and at the lake fork tackle shop across from brookshires you can get the magic shads $4.99 for a 4 pack or $2.99 for 1 pre rigged one. You can also buy them at the fishermans one stop. Also at the fishermans one stop they have boiled crawfish and shrimp and cajun catfish on fridays and saturdays from 4-9pm.
  5. Mosquitos. You can buy a suit to cover yourself! 8-) EDBASSMASTER videos or Watchin Doug Hannon videos?
  6. I dont use manns or no anything about them but i baught a Thinn Mann at walmart for 75cents and plan on useing it
  7. Thanks for all the info WPD.
  8. Good Stuff BASSIN i also like that little pond your fishin there!
  9. I have only gill hooked a fish twice and they have been in my own pond. I removed the hook put them in my moms garden pond with koi(bass didnt eat the koi) and then about a week later i put them back in my pond and they were fine. i have never had any lukc with deep hooked fish liveng though. And i think Avid has a wonderful idea there,because then the fish is not going to waste.
  10. THis is why i love bassresource.com! Good people all around
  11. HAPPY B-DAY from down here in TEJAS
  12. Thats a good win right there!
  13. I kiss my fish I'll post a pick when i go to Fork this weekend. Nev
  14. Anybody got any good spots they wanna let me know about ? I am already planning to fish Little Canney .I found a place last time i went and we were catching more fish than anybody else on the lake. When i get back I will scan my map onto the computer with all of the spots we found either warm water or caught fish.
  15. Thank you so much for the info i am going down to Fork on thursday night or early friday and leaving on monday morning. I guess i will also go back to my roots and fish little Canney.
  16. I dont know avid! i have tried to thrown these jigs and all i catch is crappie!?!?!?!?!?!
  17. when i got mine i first fished it in the pool with my cousin holdin a spotlight.(huh.. and i cant figure out why my mom calls us rednecks)
  18. Anybody know that there was a new sharelunker entered! ShareLunker No. 428 Caught by David Reinarz of Austin, TX February 18, 2007 in Austin 13 pounds, length 25.75 inches, girth 20 inches Bait/Lure: 1/4-oz. black jig, watermelon brush hog Water Body Record? No Day of Week: Sun Moon Phase: N+1 Another Beautiful fish.
  19. Watching paint dry! Sniffing glue or sniffing gas?
  20. Muddy your are the $@#!. I needed the weather for Fork for this coming weekend and for some odd reason it wouldnt let me open any weather forecasts till you posted this link! Thanks again man
  21. Im with Clayton on this and i bet it is because we live in the samearea.
  22. You might try walmart. I got mine at the walmart in Terrell,Texas on the way to Fork one weekend.
  23. I have 8 of the lake fork ones and they are awesome and produce more fish but i havent seen a difference in size of fish it produces.
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