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About lunchbox508

  • Birthday 03/05/1990

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  1. Hey mattm I have seen a few copperheads dead like that on a local golf course here in ennis.texas. You are right they do look different.
  2. if you look at the page there is a few carp recipes I find it fine to do this for carp but not for bass but that is jst my opinion.
  3. Thats a HUGE fish Better than a pic of nuthin! good luck
  4. carry a 12 gauge that usually gets them off the bait before they get to the boat I hate pickeral!!! >
  5. nice hybrids and beautiful smallie
  6. True dat! Im all about finding a good spot even if I have to go offroad. I aint skeeeered to get some mud on the tires. Plus it adds adventure to the trip!! That gravel button is awesome too. I had a friend with a lancer with a gravel button, but his was right hand drive.
  7. Havent said anything in a while because I have been so busy but I saw this and I have to say congratulations to you Muddy 15 years clean and many more to come! We'll always be here for ya even if sometimes the site is slow! ;D
  8. what a beauty! Seriously that is a beautiful boat. I love the color scheme especially the interior.
  9. I dont know anything about red terrors but I had an oscar in a fish tank and he like hot dogs. anyways here is a pic of a red terror.
  10. well im in for one too.
  11. I alwya use jointed lures and 17lb test line and he ones i have fished for are very aggresive
  12. Alright so it is basically like all other rapala games but with awesome graphics. They finally made it easier to drive the boats and believe it or not you catch more fish from bank fishing. all in all for 40$ i think its a great buy. The reason for such a short review is because like i said it is like all other rapala games. I hope that they will eventually swallo their pride also. :-[
  13. For all you gamers out ther the new rapala game came out today for xbox360! I will give a review of it after i play it tonight
  14. Shane is definately a dead man! I was so pumped that last night i watched the new episode twice! 8-)
  15. catching nuthin but hydrilla for an hour or 2 stupid drivers white trash(not rednecks) blood hooking myself in the finger Thinking you have the world record bass and it ends up actually being the nastiest diseased carp ever
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