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Everything posted by RubberDuck

  1. Nada is just a guide, and you can search for listings to see what other folks are asking for similar boats. How long have you been looking? I found that I eventually got a decent feel for a rigs value after searching long enough. I also like rangers for a rig that's pushing 20 yr old. They were well made boats that held up.
  2. I also like the Columbia blood and guts pants, specifically the ones that do not zip off. They are more if a slim fit if that matters at all to you.
  3. Just one. Caught my 5.5# LMB on a 3/8 oz SK swim jig with a 3.75" rage swimmer in ghost shad.
  4. Went on what was probably my last LOZ trip for a while on Saturday. I saw water temps from 58 to 60.5 degrees in the gravois and off of the lower osage. We caught a couple lmb on an underspin and a spook.
  5. Sure, I'll bite. I don't get to go out as often as I'd like, but I'll post after a trip. I got rained on last Saturday on LOZ. I was getting water temps of 68-69 from about the 12 mm on the Osage to up the Gravois arm. Didn't do very well, caught a couple of dinks and one crappie off the end of some docks.
  6. I saw a few patches of pads at the south end of the lake when I was there September. The north bank of that easternmost cove was mostly pads. Managed to take the frog away from a couple of fish.
  7. You could do it yourself. Plenty of good how to videos out there. You'll need thread and thread finish too. It might not be that much cheaper than having a rod builder fix it, especially if you don't have finish and wrapping thread on hand.
  8. The only disadvantages I see is the wire will cost a little more and will have a slightly larger diameter (only a concern if space is tight). I'd go with 6ga. The physical sizes between 8 and 6 are very close, and marine wire is relatively flexible and easy to run. Not only will it give you less voltage drop, but it will also stay cooler than thinner wire. You'll also have overhead if you end up with a trolling motor in the future that draws more juice.
  9. I was there on Saturday. Caught fish on a variety of baits, but anything that looked like a shad worked the best for me. Biggest was 5.5#. Plenty of little fish to be had back in the coves, looked like they were chasing bait. I stayed on the east side of the lake and stayed pretty shallow. I may have found more nice fish If I would have ventured in deeper water, but I don't know. I did not have a run in with a muskie. One thing to note was the amount of big dead carp on the bank. I saw dozens of them! Does anyone know what this might have been from? I didn't get that good of a look at them to see if they had arrow holes in them. Does anyone know how the lake tends to fish in the fall?
  10. If you're looking at Vexus, I'd consider the AVX1880 instead of the 189. The 1880 has a pad hull and will ride better than the mod-V of the 189. Between those three brands, I'd pick the Lund or the Vexus (the 1880, not the 189). The renegade and the AVX1880 are both wider than the alumacraft. I'd take another look at the pro V bass, It's a pretty sweet boat. I recommend going to the different dealers and crawling through the boats. You'll get a feel which one you like the best.
  11. Yes, this is how they shipped the one rod I've ordered from there. The box was tore up and somehow the rod survived. I have no intentions of ordering another rod from them. I do shop in the store. Most of the time I walk in just to see if they have a sale and leave disappointed. They do have some killer deals at times.
  12. The bigger the cushion, the better. It's recommended to not come that close to your max rationg on a regular basis. The vehicle will have a GCWR rating as well, which is the weight of the everything (vehicle, trailer, all the stuff in said vehicle) you can use to compare against. While I'm not the biggest fan of a unibody tow vehicle, it should move it alright. My concerns would be with how well the vehicle would be able to stop with a trailer, and how much the trailer will control the vehicle when towing. I do not know enough about the Subaru Ascent to give an opinion on it. It may be just fine. For reference, I pull my stratos 200xl with a diesel canyon. My tow rating is 7,600# with a GCWR of 12,700#. I think my trailer weight is in the realm of 1000# heavier than yours. I have plenty of power pulling the thing and can stop well, but I can definitely feel the boat back there.
  13. I'm thinking about heading up there this month. Can't say I've fished a lake with musky in it before. Do you ever do anything with steel leaders, or just go fish with normal bass gear?
  14. If I'm thinking correctly, I don't think triton ever had wood transoms since the company was started in 1996. Most boats 2000 and newer won't have a wood transom. Some cobras (the non coosa models) and champions had wood transoms into the 2000's. I had trouble finding good info on the champs back when I was boat shopping. I believe ranger phased out wood transoms in 1989. I think basscat went away from a wood transom in 2000 and upgraded the transom construction in '03 to what they use now.
  15. I use the simms fingerless/open palm gloves. I also fold down the pointer and thumb on both hands so the gloves don't catch on the line.
  16. Another vote for using a trailer. My folks used to pull a seedoo behind a minivan (had a V6 engine) without any problems.
  17. I also like the pad crasher. It walks well, doesn't take on water, and the price is right.
  18. I can't see the picture. I'm assuming a bunk has rotated about the bolt that connects the bracket (attaches directly to the bunk) to the post which attaches to the frame. Is it a big deal? I don't know. You have the weight distributed differently, but I don't know if it'll damage anything. You can rotate the bunk next time you launch the boat. I would check to make sure the rotation of the bracket didn't tear up the finish off that post.
  19. That sounds good. I agree with toxic, those scrapes aren't bad at all. I've put worse in my yak.
  20. Agreed. I plan to walk away from any used boat that looks even half that rough. A hull that beat up makes me wonder about how the seller treated/maintained the rest of the rig. I'm not in a big hurry to get a boat, I just have to not get too excited about potentials I find. Maybe I'll find my unicorn of a boat this fall. I'm also considering picking up a new aluminum. I crawled around in one of the new vexus boats this past weekend. That was a very nice looking boat. I'm not comfortable with taking out a boat loan at the moment, but that'll change within 2 years when one of our vehicles is paid off. I'm willing to spend a lot more on something new vs used.
  21. Oh I did. I was probably too nice to the guy too. I wished him good luck in selling it and left. On a positive note, a buddy directed me to a dealer that has a few used boats in consignment. I found a gorgeous 2010 Bass Cat pantera classic. It's more expensive, but I'd be willing to take out a small loan for a boat that nice. We have to make sure the wife and I are aligned on that.
  22. I looked at the boat today. The owner had gouged of the gel coat off and of the splash rails (I think that's what they're called). It was deep. I could see fuzzy fiberglass fabric. It didn't take me long to decide I did not want that boat. This was the damage. https://imgur.com/a/NGgQl96
  23. Thanks guys! I left the seller a message. I'll have to make sure to speak with them.
  24. Hello, I'm in the market for a boat, something around 20' long with good storage. I'm looking spending around 15K on a used rig. I came across this listing the other day: https://columbiamo.craigslist.org/boa/d/2001-skeeters-zx225/6648862907.html It looks sharp, but I think they may be asking a bit much depending on what the electrics actually are. I'd like to check this one out. From what I understand, that motor is supposed to be pretty reliable, although rather thirsty. What do you guys think on the price assuming the electronics aren't of much value? Also, does anyone have mechanic recommendations in that area (Jeff City, MO) that I could have check out the outboard? I guess Warsaw isn't too far away that I could always uses angler's port. Edit: maybe it is too far. I didn't realize it's 90 miles away. The other option I'm considering is waiting 2ish years till we've paid off one of our cars and take out a loan on a big new aluminum. Thanks!
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