New member from way down near sweet onion country. Most of my fishing is pond hopping, small lakes and rivers. I've really just started getting back on the water more after many years of other things and work keeping me away. In the last 10 years I've probably fished no more than once or twice a year, but some things in life have made me see that I need to make time for some relaxation. Not the least of which is my 3 year old daughter who loves to fish with daddy off the dock of our pond.
The advances in rods, reels, lures, etc. since I last really kept up with it is mind boggling! To give y'all an idea, the last new rod and reel I bought was a Quantum 1310CP and a Bass Pro Tourney Special back when they retailed for $60 and $40 respectively. I still have my old school Quantum 1310's, Pro 1, EX series, Lew's BB-1NG, etc., and still use them, but I'm definitely gonna have to invest in some new equipment!
So, thank y'all for having me and I hope I don't get on anyone's nerves asking questions. Maybe before long I'll be able to contribute something useful to the discussion.
Hope y'all have a happy New Year!!