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Everything posted by JawjaBoy

  1. Anout the last reels with a thumb button besides the Ambassadeurs were the Quantum 1310's and 1420MGC, and they weren't really "low" profile. I still have 7 older reels with thumb buttons and it DID take a bit of getting used to the thumb bars. Now I use both with no issues. Give the bars a chance, you'll get used to 'em in no time!
  2. Yep, he's good folk, he can stay!
  3. Have you taken it apart to clean? If so, was there an "E" clip and possibly a washer on the end of the mainshaft? If yes are you certain you put them back on correctly? If there wasn't a washer, you can get a shim of correct diameter and thickness to fit under the "E" clip to remove the play. Best bet is to get an assortment of thicknesses just in case.
  4. You can paint most any hard lure out there. As far as prep, it's always a good idea to go over the lure with fine sandpaper to give some "tooth" for the new paint to stick to, especially if the finish is really glossy and slick. You don't HAVE to clearcoat, but it gives a nice shiny finish and helps keep the scratches and wear down.
  5. To be honest, I've never had a major problem with any of the big brands of reels. A minor issue with Shimano turned into a ticking match with their customer service that resulted in me vowing to never use them again, but that's another issue. As far as Quantum goes, I've been extremely satisfied with them. At one time it was the only brand I had. I'm still using a 1310 and Pro 1 that are both pushing 30 years old. I have another 1310, 2 EX's, a US300 and 2 Energy spinning reels that are close to 20. All have performed perfectly. I completely agree about not understanding the lack of enthusiasm for Quantum. I really like them and may even pick up a new one here soon.
  6. Personally, I'd love to be able to use a $400 rod, but on my decidedly blue collar income and with a wife and 3 year old daughter to take care of it ain't gonna happen! I AM looking to purchase a new reel very shortly and it's looking like it'll be in the $110-130 range. That will be the most I have EVER paid for a reel, but circumstances have worked out so that I have a little disposable income to spend on myself. I will say though that I'm kind of a strange bird about some things. I'm one of those rare creatures that, when I find something that works, I'm loathe to change it. I'm still using a 1310 that I bought in 1989 because it still works great! I drive a 1995 S10 that I bought brand new and now has over 388,000 miles on it. I built a shed in my backyard almost completely with my Grandad's old hand tools. The truth is, I can remember when a reel over $100 was RARE. As were rods. Now, a $100 reel is almost "low end". The way technology and prices have taken off simply blows my mind. It's kind of like someone saying 20 years ago that we'd be paying a buck and a half for a bottle of water one day!
  7. The pawl is a small piece with what looks like a blade on one end. The "blade" rides in the grooves on the worm gear. Each end of the grooves has a curve that turns the pawl into the groove going the other way, so it goes back and forth and lays the line on the spool evenly. With the nut loose, the pawl wasn't engaging the worm gear. Good catch on the fix!
  8. Has anyone got any experience with this reel? I went into BPS today to handle a few reels to see which ones really fit me. I wanted to look at the Lew's MB in particular as well as a few others and came across the Vapor PT. All I can say is dang! It was light, very smooth, and just had a good, solid feel to it. To me, it felt much tighter than the Lew's and was on par with the Daiwa Tatula CT and Abu Revo STX. Didn't compare to Shimano as I'm still holding a grudge. I will say right off that I've been a Quantum fan for a long time. My first baitcaster was a Quantum 1310MG that I bought in 1989 and still fish with often, and I have several others. That said, I'm open to other brands but I'm looking for an honest opinion on the Vapor as I have found NO mention of it on any of the forums. Thanks in advance!
  9. Tie between topwater (frog, Spook, Torpedo, etc. ALL topwater!) and Texas rigged worm. Personal preference is either Gillraker or Zoom Mag II.
  10. We don't usually get that kind of weather here in Southeast GA, but it's pretty dang close right now! 5 days in a row with lows in the upper teens/low 20's and highs in the upper 20's/low 30's is rough for us! This is DEFINITELY reel cleaning/tackle organizing/lure making weather to me! I HAVE fished in weather cold enough to freeze up my reels. Once. I was young and dumb and indestructible back then. I like to think I'm a little smarter now and my joints tell me every morning that I'm a lot older and most definitely not as tough as I once was.
  11. Henschel 5220 is my choice. Nice wide brim and mesh crown. And doesn't look too goofy to wear out and about.
  12. Or something!
  13. Happy New Year!! But how did you know I was drinking Blue Moon?? Lol
  14. Well here in Southeast GA we don't get the snow and ice that some of y'all do, but it does get cold enough that we don't particularly like going out in it if we don't absolutely have to. Rare days admittedly, but when they come along I either head out to my shop and clean reels, check my tackle, or reload ammo, or I watch Bill Dance while surfing fishing or tackle making websites.
  15. I'll freely admit that I'm not a tournament guy. I simply have never had the desire to compete in one and more especially I've never had the disposable income or time. But I know what you mean about YouTube. It has changed the game in MANY areas of life. The amount of information, both good and bad, is simply staggering. And the instant access to that information is right up this next generation's alley. Everything nowadays is "right now." So, everyone is having to adapt. Manufacturers no longer have to put out a product and then wait a year or 2 to see how sales go. Thanks to YouTube and social media sites, they can put out an idea to gauge interest and if they move into production will know within DAYS if a product is going to be successful or not. I suspect tournaments will have to evolve to a degree as well. I've talked to a few guys who have done the tournament scene for many years. All of them say they can remember when an angler could fish all day and only have an occasional curious fisherman stop to watch them for a bit before moving on. Now tournament anglers, especially the big guys, have small fleets following them around watching and videoing them. By the time KVD gets back to the weigh in, all the fans know every move he's made and every fish he's caught. Hell, they probably know where he took a leak at! I'm an old curmudgeon so I can sympathize with you. But, I'm afraid it's going to get worse and we're just going to have to learn to deal with it. Lord help us.
  16. Thanks! I based a few of them off old lures and a couple are my own ideas. All carved from cedar. All of them have caught fish but the green and blue prop baits at upper left and top center have caught the most. There is NOTHING quite like catching a fish on a lure that you made yourself!
  17. I made several back in the day when I had lots of free time, but then life kinda got in the way and I pretty much quit for the last 15-20 years. However, I am trying to get back into it. Picked up a little lathe a few months ago and I just ordered some airbrush paint, sealers and clearcoat, as well as a good selection of hardware. With any luck I'll be able to start turning out some lures in the very near future. These are a few I made back then. Hopefully my future lures look a little more polished!
  18. New member from way down near sweet onion country. Most of my fishing is pond hopping, small lakes and rivers. I've really just started getting back on the water more after many years of other things and work keeping me away. In the last 10 years I've probably fished no more than once or twice a year, but some things in life have made me see that I need to make time for some relaxation. Not the least of which is my 3 year old daughter who loves to fish with daddy off the dock of our pond. The advances in rods, reels, lures, etc. since I last really kept up with it is mind boggling! To give y'all an idea, the last new rod and reel I bought was a Quantum 1310CP and a Bass Pro Tourney Special back when they retailed for $60 and $40 respectively. I still have my old school Quantum 1310's, Pro 1, EX series, Lew's BB-1NG, etc., and still use them, but I'm definitely gonna have to invest in some new equipment! So, thank y'all for having me and I hope I don't get on anyone's nerves asking questions. Maybe before long I'll be able to contribute something useful to the discussion. Hope y'all have a happy New Year!!
  19. I've still got a Quantum 1310CP with 3.8:1 gears, Quantum EX300P with 4.4:1, and Lew's BB-1NG with 4.3:1. They're old warhorses, but any of the 3 will drag the biggest, deepest cranks all day long without a problem!
  20. JawjaBoy


  21. After 17 years in retail sales and management, and reading the various articles concerning the merger, I will go out on a limb and say that for the most part we won't see any major changes in either brand. I also doubt there will be many, if any, store closings. Both BPS and Cabela's have strong points and weak points. Cabela's has some nice branded fishing gear and has deals with some manufacturers for unique models or colors, but BPS is the 800 pound gorilla in the fishing world. Has been for a long time. That said, Cabela's is better at the hunting and outdoor sports game. I think what we'll see is a kind of blending of certain aspects of each store to better utilize each brands strong suits, while keeping the brands themselves seperate. I believe they will both continue to operate autonomously for the most part as it will be far easier to manage them that way. Things like discounts, points, credit cards, etc. will most likely be shared and be usable at either store. I also doubt we'll see any appreciable difference in prices one way or the other. There is enough competition out there to keep things going on an even keel in that area. More than likely, a year from now we probably won't even think about the merger other than possibly when we see specific branded items in both stores.
  22. Forgot about Big Mama and Tijuana Mama pickled sausages! Got to have a couple of them!
  23. Viennas, deviled ham or potted meat, or beanee weenees, a sleeve of saltines, hot sauce and a couple bottles of water. Fish out a nice shady cove and then take a munchie break before heading to the next spot!
  24. Fishing with a buddy many years ago, and he brought along a new rod. It was a 7'6" heavy action flipping rod. I asked him why he wanted such a heavy rod and he said so he could horse the fish out of cover easier. I told him it was way too heavy, but those things were really catching on at that time and he had seen pictures of all the pros in Bassmaster using them, so he was determined to use it. Well, he fished it using jigs and worms for about an hour and a half with no luck before I see him throwing a big jointed Rapala. I tell him that rod is WAY too heavy for that lure, but it's the only rod he brought with him. After about 5 minutes, a little dink hits and he sets the hook like he's using a magnum worm on a striper. The fish comes completely out of the water, makes a perfect arc, and comes down right on the bill of his hat where the front hook of the Rapala digs in, leaving the fish just hanging there. Being none too happy about this, the fish starts flipping like crazy. It sounded like someone clapping! That little bass beat him all over his face! He finally managed to get his hat off and get the fish unhooked and back in the water. Then he just sat there for a minute with fish slime dripping off of his nose and chin before he wiped his face off and said "Head for the d**n hill. I'm fixing to take this d**n rod back to the store!"
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